O/T Iron Maiden Fantasy Baseball

The Clansman 2112

New Metal Member
Jul 23, 2005
Hey Guys,

I just wanted to know if anybody here would like join up in a Fantasy Baseball League???

A couple of years ago, I joined up with a few guys on the Maiden BB to form a league and it's been a blast. It doesn't cost you anything and we just play for fun and bragging rights plus the love of baseball.

If anybody is interested just go to:


Then you have to enter the following into the proper fields:

league ID: 16554
password: uptheirons

...and you just follow the directions from there on. We use an Autodraft system but you can set your own rankings for the players that you want. We have a few spots left and we are looking to fill them!!!!

If you have any questions, just email me at:


..and I will help you out.

I think that there are all sorts of leagues that form all over the place.

I joined the one that I'm in that was formed on the "Offical Iron Maiden BB" a couple of years ago!!!!
