O/T Is it cool to have been abused, bullied and picked on?


Your favourite Czech
Feb 5, 2002
I just got the feeling...almost always when I take a look at some "modern" bands biography, or interview, or lyrics, they always whine about being abused, bullied and picked on at school or when they were kids. I mean, is it cool now or what? I could care less about it, but it occurs to me it is some record company strategy, like "say that you were picked on at school and all the kids will relate to it and love you". But it´s these days phenomenon, isn´t it? I mean, you didn´t hear Ozzy talking about this shit, did you. So is it cool to admit that you were fucking pussy when you were at school, not able to return a punch? Does it make one good musician or singer? What do you all think?
I hate it when bands bitch about them being picked on in school. When Korn did it, it was new, but Korn are STILL doing it, and all these gay nu metal bands are doing it. It's quite annoying. Why the fuck would you want people to know that you were a pussy in school, and didn't fight back? It would seem to me that those are the kinds of people that would cry if they got booed off stage. It's gay.
I was going to say Korn made it OK to sing about being touched by your daddy..........Its a fad and like Korn they will fade away and be forgotten......
Cryptkeeper said:
I hate it when bands bitch about them being picked on in school. When Korn did it, it was new, but Korn are STILL doing it, and all these gay nu metal bands are doing it. It's quite annoying. Why the fuck would you want people to know that you were a pussy in school, and didn't fight back? It would seem to me that those are the kinds of people that would cry if they got booed off stage. It's gay.
Yeah that exactly what I wanted to say.
Did I forgot to mention I can´t stand Korn
Being picked on in school is so very common so a lot of people (including the ones in nu-metalbands) must be in that category, but when you read more in-depth interviews with musicians and actors it comes to: "I was soooo bullied, I remember in fourth grade, there was a guy who picked on me for two whole weeks"

That´s so fucking lame, try living that life for a year or five, then you can come back to me and I´ll give you respect for living through it.