o/t: I've about had it with society.


Feb 2, 2002
If I ruled the country..........
.... The rules would be:
1. Every single human in the country MUST be on birth control until the age of 18.
2. You MUST have a license to procreate/reproduce. If you fail to obtain this license, you WILL be spade or neutered.
3. If you steal, you get one hand chopped off. Steal twice, get the other hand chopped off. Steal three times (somehow, with your teeth, I guess), get your head blown off.
If you are caught stealing someone's personal belongings that are worth $100 or more, they have the right to blow your fucking brains out. (Of course, they would have to go to trial, proving that they are innocent; proving that you indeed were caught stealing.)
4. Scary Police Chases: If you run from the cops for more than 2 minutes, the police will be allowed to pull up next to you and blow your brains out.
5. Any employee (of any establishment) who works with Cash will be armed. Of course these employees must earn a license to carry a gun.
6. If you murder someone, and, even if you are proven "insane", you will still be executed. Think about it! If someone's pit bull attacks a child, do we send it to obedience school? NO! The animal gets put to sleep. It doesn't matter whether or not someone is insane. If they murder, they will be executed.
7. There will be a lifetime warranty on EVERYTHING that ANYONE purchases. Unless a product malfunctions do to the customer's abuse/mishandling/fault/etc., the customer will recieve free repairs or replacements for ANY product that is purchased.

Well.....I could go on and on and on, but I think that about does it for now.
i pretty much agree with everything u said thraxdude,if i was in charge there would be alot less people on this earth,for petty crimes everyone deserves second chance,lets face it if people were given standard 10 years for stealing a car or maybe a standard 30 years for an armed hold up there would be a lot less people doing this shit!!!

u go to a place like singapore and the cops are bored,reason is everyone is scared to commit a crime,is thezero tolerance shit in new york still happening?
prime666 said:
13. Madatory IQ tests for all. STUPID PEOPLE SHOULDNT BREED!
Ah, yes! That's another one!
If I ran things, every single boss/employer in the country would be fired, they'd have to take an IQ test with a group of potential bosses. Whoever's IQ is the highest gets the job.

14. A man who is convicted of rape will be taken to the house of his victim's family, tied and bound, and the victim's family can do ANYTHING they want to the rapist. ie: shove a broom handle with rusty nails in it up his ass; cut his dick off and feed it to him, etc.
If the victim's family are pussies and don't kill the rapist ("Let's just forgive and forget"), that's okay too. However, if he lives, the rapist will be assassinated after the visit.
AlexStomp said:
If your own kid, in bad judgement, decided to steal a pack of bubble yum, you wouldn't object to having his hand amputated?
This rule would apply to those who know the difference between right and wrong.
If my own child understood that he would have a hand chopped off for stealing, and he still did it, then I guess he deserved it.
And I bet he wouldn't do it again...
Society sucks man, the stupid rule...unfortunately.

We'll just have to get over it and live it through.

Sorry for my depression.
ThraxDude said:
Ah, yes! That's another one!
If I ran things, every single boss/employer in the country would be fired, they'd have to take an IQ test with a group of potential bosses. Whoever's IQ is the highest gets the job.

14. A man who is convicted of rape will be taken to the house of his victim's family, tied and bound, and the victim's family can do ANYTHING they want to the rapist. ie: shove a broom handle with rusty nails in it up his ass; cut his dick off and feed it to him, etc.
If the victim's family are pussies and don't kill the rapist ("Let's just forgive and forget"), that's okay too. However, if he lives, the rapist will be assassinated after the visit.
I was about to ask your ideal punishment for rape!
16. If your kids don't know their name, age, the alphabet, how to count, colors, shapes, etc. (in English) when they enter kindergarten, they will be taken away and given to a family who will pay attention to them. It's for their own good; it will help them greatly with rules 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 14 and 15.
ThraxDude said:
This rule would apply to those who know the difference between right and wrong.
If my own child understood that he would have a hand chopped off for stealing, and he still did it, then I guess he deserved it.
And I bet he wouldn't do it again...
Tell me you never fucked up as a kid?? I do agree there should be appropriate punishments for things, but kids don't get it. I certainly didn't get certain things as a kid, and I am sure my kids won't either. What I am against is absolute stupidity like the kids that chop down stop signs and get people killed. Stealing a pack of bubble gum would not necessarily mean that kid was headed down the wrong path. We don't live in India or Iraq or Iran.

"If I ran things, every single boss/employer in the country would be fired, they'd have to take an IQ test with a group of potential bosses. Whoever's IQ is the highest gets the job." Better be careful here--I know you are a fan of the President and you have to admit he's not the brightest bulb around.

As for the article you posted, I do not understand how people can beat children?? Particularly their own. To abuse a child the way that guy did and then kill him, that dude needs to be gang-raped daily by fucking clydesdale horses and beaten to death himself. I do agree with you on several topics.

Did you have a bad day or what?? Where's that jovial thraxdude we all know and love? :)
Guess a lot of teachers thought of me as a problem child or a stupid fuck up... :erk:

I'm a dyscalculic (or how the fuck you spell it), it means I'm very bad at numbers. I hated mathclass, and we were a pretty big class, around 25-30 students and one teacher. No way he could help everyone in room. So I mostly sat there and drew comic strips in my note book. I think the teachers hated me, but noone in school were interested in helping me or find out why I had a hard time learning math. :p

I didn't understand my condition until I a few years ago.