O/T Life of AGony


Feb 7, 2002
DC area
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Could this mean the demise of Steremud? They're doing yet another LOA reunion gig. I guess to support their live CD/DVD.

I have to admit, Stereomud's first release was cool but not cool enough for me to check out their second release. That song "I don't wanna be jesus" sounds kinda cheesy. A little contrived or forced or something. They should have spent alot more time writing and recording. It may be indicative of Alan Robert's writing for LOA was superb. Stereomud's sophomore effort may have been forced or rushed in order to capitalize on the momentum and buzz from their first one. Caputo really fucked up by quitting right after Soul Searching Sun was released. I was at the reunion gig in NYC this past January and you could tell that he was having a blast up there.
Yeah Steremud is not looking to good for them. I have both of their albums. Keith was having the time of his life at the shows. I was at the second show. I want to go to the third but I'm really broke! Oh well what ya going to do. LOA was a great band and I wish they just get back together. They were one of the first bands to do the heavy guitars with the melodic heartfelt vocals. Now everybody and thier mother is doing that!
everybody and their son TRY to do it but NO one does what LOA did. I think if keith just kept doing his solo stuff on the side getting the strictly mellow stuff out of his system thru that, He could probably handle the much heavier LOA. :Spin:
It is being reported that Stereomud are DONE. Thank god, i bought the disc and even got a show out of love for Joey Z, but they sucked. Now, half of LOA are freed up, if they can just get Keith and Alan. I don't care that LOA wasn't terribly successful, those guys could make more $$$$$$ with LOA than w/ Stereocrud and whatever else, look at Clutch - no gold records, no arenas, just happy to record and play clubs

I am all in aggreement with TD. LOA and Clutch were and still are two of my favorite bands. You can gain a following by putting out great cds and touring constantly. I can't remember how many times I saw both bands from 92 till 95 while in Columbus Ohio. It has been harder out here in the southwest.

I made an 80 minute LOA comp using the songs from the upcoming dvd and it fit perfectly on it! :hotjump:

I went to see stereomud free once because i had a red card(which is given out by our local radio station) and it still wasn't worth the free cost. They tried too hard to be sevendust.