O/T need a lil help in the digital music deparptment..


Mar 13, 2002
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How in the name of all that's holy do I convert a wma to an mp3? i'm running windows xp on a new laptop and cannot find anything in the help sections about how in the hell your supposed to do this....any help will be greatly appreciated. And don't hesitate to call me a tard when u tell me how painfully simple it is.

Thank you and good day!
could you write a cmd\bat file that copies *.vma to *mp3
like copy C:\\vma\*.vma C:\\mp3\*.mp3

or do a file save as\renamne for a few vma files
The Man said:
it's probably not very complicated, but why would you want to. wma is smaller than mp3 and it won't change the sound at all. once a song is encoded into mp3 the damage is done.
I want to b/c my head unit in my car supports mp3 and I want a good hundred or so songs on a mix and i cant get wma's to do that... thanx DD and Ragamuffin