O/T Slayer Last Night


Your favourite Czech
Feb 5, 2002
I got to see Slayer & co. in Prague last night. About 10 000 people there. I was surprised, I`d expected less, good to see there`s still so many metalheads! The opening band were Czech guys called Malignant Tumor. They started very early, thus I missed their set. Nevermind, my band`s gonna play with them the next Saturday so I`ll check them out then. Good for them to be that lucky to open for Slayer. I know they are kinda Motörhead sounding band. Then Amon Amarth - guess they`re from Sweden? They have this Viking image, singing about gods of thunder and stuff. The singer looked like a character from this old arcade game Golden Axe. It was good, but nothing to write home about really. The crowd seemed to be very into them though, I guess they are popular in here. Mastodon - didn`t like them at all. I don`t know why, my friends all dug it. I thought they sucked, but don`t really ask me why. Then, Trivium - I wasn`t really looking forward to them but I have to say that they can put up a good show. Both shredders are awesome. And then, finally, Slayer - opening with Flesh Storm, then straight into War Ensemble. They played about twenty songs, but NO ENCORE and, which, pissed me off, NO DEAD SKIN MASK!!!! Too bad, the crowd was chanting this song title and I was really looking forward to hearing it. They played DittoHead, Live Undead, South Of Heaven, Seasons In The Abyss, Raining Blood, of course Angel Of Death, you know, all the classic, and the brand new song called Psychopathy Red, which is very classic and old school Slayer. They were thrashing real hard - even though Tom seemed to be forgetting his lyrics now and then. And it was quite weird with the encore - lights went down, audience was screaming for five minutes and then...nothing. Satan knows why.
They were thrashing real hard - even though Tom seemed to be forgetting his lyrics now and then.

Perhaps he figured nobody in Czechia would notice.

Kind of reminds me of the time we were in a bar in Prague, and my rather drunk friend shouted, "What the fuck are you whispering for?! These fuckin Chechens can't understand English!"

I replied, "They're Czechs, and they do understand English. I doubt the big angry guys with the broken Zatec bottles are coming over here to ask for the time..."

That could've been some serious shit if I hadn't pushed him out the door where he vomited on the stoop.

Did Tom work himself into a screaming fit where he gets really high pitched and kinda screechy twards the end of Psychopathy Red like he does in the studio recording?

Can't really recall it. I heard this song for the first time. And after that I checked the studio version.
Perhaps he figured nobody in Czechia would notice.

Kind of reminds me of the time we were in a bar in Prague, and my rather drunk friend shouted, "What the fuck are you whispering for?! These fuckin Chechens can't understand English!"

I replied, "They're Czechs, and they do understand English. I doubt the big angry guys with the broken Zatec bottles are coming over here to ask for the time..."

That could've been some serious shit if I hadn't pushed him out the door where he vomited on the stoop.


Were there really guys with broken bottles, wanting to kick your ass? Shit, which bar was it?
Were there really guys with broken bottles, wanting to kick your ass? Shit, which bar was it?

No, not really. Just having fun :loco: But my friend did get some angry looks and probably disgusted comments. I did not understand. (And he did throw up on the stoop.)

Can't remember the name of the spot. It was atop a steep narrow street with cobblestones. Perhaps behind Hradcany. I believe the entrance was in front of a gate painted sort of a pastel pink colour, or might be yellow. Well, I always get the bars of Vilnius and Prague mixed up!

By the way, if Slayer played 20 songs, how long was the entire show? How many songs did the others play?

No, not really. Just having fun :loco: But my friend did get some angry looks and probably disgusted comments. I did not understand. (And he did throw up on the stoop.)

Can't remember the name of the spot. It was atop a steep narrow street with cobblestones. Perhaps behind Hradcany. I believe the entrance was in front of a gate painted sort of a pastel pink colour, or might be yellow. Well, I always get the bars of Vilnius and Prague mixed up!

By the way, if Slayer played 20 songs, how long was the entire show? How many songs did the others play?


Here`s the setlist:
Intro : Metal Storm
1 - Flesh Storm
2 - War Ensemble
3 - Chemical Warfare
4 - Ghost of War
5 - Live Undead
6 - Psychopathy Red
7 - Jihad
8 - Dittohead
9 - Season in the Abyss
10 - South of Heaven

11 - Angel of Death
12 - Piece by Piece
13 - Necrophobic
14 - Altar of Sacrifice
15 - Jesus Saves
16 - Criminally Insane
17 - Reborn
18 - Epidemic
19 - Postmortem
20 - Raining Blood

The other bands played around 40 minutes each. It started exactly at 5 pm, finished around 11 pm.