O/t: Slayer!!!!!!!!!

Originally posted by TD
I've never had the pleasure of meeting all of them. When I saw them at the Huntingon Civic Center last year, I found out that not only did they stay at the Holiday Inn (Slayer and Pantera both) next to the arena, but also that they both bands and thier wives were seen shopping and just hanging out at places like BW3's and Applebees, I was pissed that I missed the chance to meet them. Tom Araya is the one guy in Slayer I'd love to just say "hi" too and shake his hand and get an autograph. I did however get a Kerry King pick!!!

BTW, here is the EXACT set list from Columbus. Best set they've compiled in years.
darkness of christ
god send death
war ensemble
haunting the chapel (this hasn't been played in 18yrs!!!)
at dawn they sleep
stain of mind
in the name of god
spill the blood (this gave me chills, they showed the "bloodline video on the screen during this)
raining blood (great seeing these 2 songs together!!)
hell awaits
dead skin mask
seasons in the abyss
chemical warfare
mandatory suicide
south of heaven
angel of death

Overall, it was killer. These guys are the masters of what they do. I hope they continue to do this for years to come.

I am so mother fucking psyched, me and 3 of my dudes are going, hell fucking yeah, ps, i lovvvvvvvvve postmortem/raining blood combo
Originally posted by TD

Alot of times, finding exact on stage times is info that Joe Public cannot get until arriving at the venue. The one 99% sure thing is that the opening band will play whenever your ticket says the show starts. Unless your ticket says "0:00 doors" and then the opening band will play exactly one hour from then. Also, some places have a curfew intact, so you know that the show must be over at 11 or 12, so then you know to be there atleast 2 or 3 hours prior. Otherwise, you just common sense, although from time to time, you miss parts of shows. I would never have guessed that AC/DC would be onstage at precisely 8pm in 2001 (the opening band played at 7:30, so they must have played, what, 20minutes) So I missed most of "shook me all night long" Helmet headlined a gig in 1997 and were on at 8 - I missed 15 minutes of thier one hour set.

Yup When we saw Rush a month ago we missed some of them bacaues they went on right at eight...
Each of them has a bit different style I guess. I've seen Slayer two times (Paul, Dave). I think both are amazing, and either of them plays differently therefore I can't say who's better.
Originally posted by TD
Alot of times, finding exact on stage times is info that Joe Public cannot get until arriving at the venue. The one 99% sure thing is that the opening band will play whenever your ticket says the show starts. Unless your ticket says "0:00 doors" and then the opening band will play exactly one hour from then. Also, some places have a curfew intact, so you know that the show must be over at 11 or 12, so then you know to be there atleast 2 or 3 hours prior. Otherwise, you just common sense, although from time to time, you miss parts of shows. I would never have guessed that AC/DC would be onstage at precisely 8pm in 2001 (the opening band played at 7:30, so they must have played, what, 20minutes) So I missed most of "shook me all night long" Helmet headlined a gig in 1997 and were on at 8 - I missed 15 minutes of thier one hour set.

Uh-huh. Well, there's some wise words. But I dunno...the big concerts I've been to, I've aimed to get there at the time the doors open (at Iron Maiden's Brixton show in March we finally found the Acadamy 30 seconds before those fucking doors opened!) so you get in then and you've got an hour or whatever before any band comes on. Smaller-scale stuff it's even less of a problem, innit?
I just hope I don't ever have the problem of missing bands too soon. I've just remembered the time nearly two years ago when I was in a bog at Birmingham NEC when I heard Iron Maiden's intro music being played...not nice!
Originally posted by Brentney Spears
I met them all last fall. Great guys, hope I don't ruin their image. Can you really tell a difference between Paul and Dave?

I also saw them w/ John Detty (i think that was his name) what ever happened to him??? Also, what is up with Slayers drummers also being in Testament at one time or another......didn't Paul do an ep with Testament somewhere along the line??