O/t: Slayer!!!!!!!!!


God Hates Us All!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



That is my review.

OK, OK, more detail. First time I wasn't drunk off my ass at a Slayer show on this tour (going back to the Pantera/Slayer tour) so I just chilled and enjoyed it. These guys are unfuckin' real. It was sooooo great to see Dave back with the band. As my buddy said "that double bass will make your nutsack shake in a pair of tighty whities:D ) and that it did. Lombard hits HARD. It was LOUD Highlight??? They played, "Spill the Blood" I've seen Slayer a bunch, and never heard that, in fact, I looked over at Anthrax dot com celeb, DelaPrince and said "i've never heard them to this, outstanding" I've always loved that song, a particularly eerie song from a particularly eerie band. I'm exhausted, I'm going to bed. I'm sure Cincy will have something to add, and perhaps Justin will remember the setlist. They played something from every official album except Divine, which makes no sense why they skip that one. Oh well, I bet next tour they revisit it.

P.S. Having Slayer on at 8:30 seemed rather early and unmetal, but the flipside is, I still get to bed at the time I normally would, so I must say I am a fan of the early start. Plus, since I didn't get inside until 8:25, I didn't have to wait thru opening acts. Kinda scary that I almost missed the beginning, but the timing was perfect. On the way in as I was eating a Chipotle Burrito, some Slayer fan kicked a hippies ass, the hippie was trying to bum money, and Mr. Slayer was like "hang on dude, I got something that will help save the earth," and then he blasted him!!!!:lol: I about choked on my Chipotle. It was better than In Flames or Soulfly could have ever been.
PS: Just wanted to add that this was the weakest pit I've seen at a Slayer show. I didn't even bother to get in until late in the show, because I was watching it and it looked sub-par. I guess the glory days are gone. Us "old schoolers' pitted better than these youngans with thier Godsmack and SOAD shirts (not at a Slayer show beeatch) These kids can't mosh, and the old school tries to get it going, but most of us have retired to the beer line, and I don't wanna contend w/ crowd surfing teens with thier Korn shirts.
:lol: Hippie bashing rules. I wouldn't wanna see the opening acts either, although I do like In Flames. But I doubt they play that much off their first couple of albums anymore. :mad:
Nope, didn't get backstage. Did see Kerry Kings g/f though. Holy fucking cow, she is HOT. Latino/Asian chick. Totally fucking stupid though. One of those airhead "Whoa, my boyfriend, he is a like, uh, a rock star guy, his band is playing here tonight, his name is like, uhm, Kerry, he is sooo rad, the band, their called Slayer, you know, like Slater without the t, they are really heavy like those metallica guys but like, kinda heavier" Another guy met her, and he said the exact same thing on the Pantera board (she couldn't get his disposable camera to work to take a pic of this fan and Kerry, we're talking the one button push and your done jobbies mind you.). After my buddy and I were done gawking at her and heard her talking to people, we walked away like "Dude, that may have been the dumbest women I've ever encountered, and I've met a lot of dumb chicks" So anyway, that is the closest I will ever get to meeting Slayer. They play that rock star trick and never come out and sign shit. I think Kerry and Jeff did come out back. Tom I know didn't. And Dave, he wouldn't even do meet and greets when he was with Testament.
Yup the Slayer show killed all. The early start was odd. As I thought there were four bands. I actually wanted to see In Flames however I missed them and we got there around 6:30!
I must say I think Soulfly is really kick ass. I know a lot of people don't like them, I think that is because they try to compare them to Sepultura. Judge them on their own and they rule. I think its really odd they they tour with Slayer as to me Soulfly is a very spirtual, all most religious band. This could be another reason why they are unliked.
Slayer are the masters of what they do. They are responsable for and the front runner of an entire genre of music. Reign in Blood is one of the most important metal albums ever. 23 minutes of hell.
I had this on tape when I was a kid, the tape was so short it had the entire album on each side of the tape.
As far as the pit goes it was pretty rough where I was standing (two back from the barrier front and center) Spill the Blood was cool, Angel of death was cool,hell it was all cool.
Also like TD the 10:00 o'clock end time was nice as we had a two hour ride home and I had to work at seven the next morning. That was the only bad thing about the night.
I did see Kerrys girl, she was hanging at the mixing board when we got there but I didn't have the pleasure of talking to her.
Yeah, I expected Slayer on stage at 9:00. I just happened to walk in at about 8:25. As I was taking a piss I heard "Darkness of Christ" and thought "damn, I cut this show close." I guess it was "divine intervention" pun intended. It worked perfect though. I got out of work at 4, took a power nap until 5:30. Did some odd jobs (laundry, paperwork etc.) until 7, left my house, hit the freeway, got parked, grabbed a burrito, walked in, and there was Slayer. My stoner concert buddy figured I had it all planned that way. He was like "impeccable timing once again man, wanna hit this" I was crashed and dead to the world by 11:30
I went to the Slayer show last week and met Dave after the show. Nice guy. When they played here last year, we got to the venue only to find out that the show was sold out. We couldn't even find a scalper to save our life. So me and my concert buddy wen to the bar next door and drank for hours on end. Got totally smashed and as were heading out the door, we bump into Slayer, Jeff, Kerry and Tom. We chatted it up for while but they knew we were smashed and they thought it was funny how we couldn't get in and ended up drunk. Very cool guys. On the way I out, I screamed " reign in blood ,from the lasserated skies !!" or something like that and they were all giving the horns and grinning from ear to ear.
I've never had the pleasure of meeting all of them. When I saw them at the Huntingon Civic Center last year, I found out that not only did they stay at the Holiday Inn (Slayer and Pantera both) next to the arena, but also that they both bands and thier wives were seen shopping and just hanging out at places like BW3's and Applebees, I was pissed that I missed the chance to meet them. Tom Araya is the one guy in Slayer I'd love to just say "hi" too and shake his hand and get an autograph. I did however get a Kerry King pick!!!

BTW, here is the EXACT set list from Columbus. Best set they've compiled in years.
darkness of christ
god send death
war ensemble
haunting the chapel (this hasn't been played in 18yrs!!!)
at dawn they sleep
stain of mind
in the name of god
spill the blood (this gave me chills, they showed the "bloodline video on the screen during this)
raining blood (great seeing these 2 songs together!!)
hell awaits
dead skin mask
seasons in the abyss
chemical warfare
mandatory suicide
south of heaven
angel of death

Overall, it was killer. These guys are the masters of what they do. I hope they continue to do this for years to come.
Gods, do you guys not bother to find out what times your gigs start or what?!

I've only seen Slayer once, supporting Iron Maiden at Metal 2000. My first Metal gig, in a seat near the back - still, one of the most fantastic times ever! :D all three bands was brill!
Originally posted by Ayeka
Gods, do you guys not bother to find out what times your gigs start or what?!

I've only seen Slayer once, supporting Iron Maiden at Metal 2000. My first Metal gig, in a seat near the back - still, one of the most fantastic times ever! :D all three bands was brill!

Alot of times, finding exact on stage times is info that Joe Public cannot get until arriving at the venue. The one 99% sure thing is that the opening band will play whenever your ticket says the show starts. Unless your ticket says "0:00 doors" and then the opening band will play exactly one hour from then. Also, some places have a curfew intact, so you know that the show must be over at 11 or 12, so then you know to be there atleast 2 or 3 hours prior. Otherwise, you just common sense, although from time to time, you miss parts of shows. I would never have guessed that AC/DC would be onstage at precisely 8pm in 2001 (the opening band played at 7:30, so they must have played, what, 20minutes) So I missed most of "shook me all night long" Helmet headlined a gig in 1997 and were on at 8 - I missed 15 minutes of thier one hour set.
GOD WILL HATE US ALL IN ATL. tomorrow night at the Tabernacle!!! Goddammit, I'm looking forward to this more than I was when I first got laid! Are you sure they played "Haunting the Chapel"? that will be the most SLAYTANIC of all songs to hear live......damn i'm already fired up to punch some tree hugger......:lol:
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Thats what?

That just rolls off the tiz-oungue now diz-osen't iz-it?


Oh yes, this show will rule, I will consume alcohol and get a good ole REDNECK MOSH going!