O/T: Stupid Question About Hellraiser


Feb 4, 2002
Past the Point of Caring
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(I'm sure Aug is all over this one!! :) )

Okay, does Hellraiser 3 have a name on it, like Inferno or Bloodline or are those other movies made later? I looked for 3 last night but all they had was Bloodline and Inferno and on the back, it didn't say anything about the order, just crap like "spine-tingling sequel"-yeah, I'm sure. Thanks!!

I only want to see it (HR3) cause people around here told me that Armored Saint played a club in it. I always avoided them because my sister said they were good and she has horrible taste in movies. I haven't seen Nightbreed yet, probably cause she's a huge Clive Barker fan so I've been leary. The movies I did get go back on Friday, maybe I'll grab something then.
HELLRAISER III: Complete fucking shite.....

.....would have been a more appropriate title. It sucks, they turned pinhead into freddy, wankers.

Erm, I'm going for a lie down now.

oh, they are making Hellraiser VI. (Hellseeker)
Kirsty is back in it.

Brat they are in it for like 2 seconds! I ain't even worth it. It is about like that movie with Testament in it. Can't remember the name off hand, it came out in 1997 and it was about San Fran at the dawn of the 21st Century and everyone was hooked on this minddrug, or when Cannibal Corpse was in Ace Ventura, we are talking a cameo at best here.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I don't remember CC being in Ace Ventura!! I think the one you're talking about is Strange Days. It's about that old and the story sounds about right. I figured it was only for a small amount of time, that's why I haven't bought it!!! It's not like there's anything great at the video store anyway, I basically rent what looks the least-shitty. And even then I'm usually disappointed.
Yeah, Strange Days it was. Testament can be seen playing the street party (you can see their backs!!, but you can clearly distinguish big ol' Chuck Billy) Strange Days actually had a half way cool plot and was an ok movie.....this is a distinction I can not give Hellraiser III.
I go watch all those movies with either Jason, Freddie, or Micheal Myers. It brings me back to the summers of my youth, when those movies seemed scary. Only now, a bunch of us are going to laugh at the audacity of it all and get drunk while watching a movie (a thrill all in it's own)
I watch them all too, but fully expect to get a load of crap for my money, and Jason usually has to wait until it hits Hollywood Video before I lay out any cash for him...I pay full price for Michael and Freddy, although I think those days are long gone...
A new micheal movie is just about finished actually. Freddie, well, we will have to wait until he comes to fight Jason, which will happen eventually. I left the theatre 9 summers ago when everyone was eating Jason's heart, at least part 8 had the fun of watching Jason loose in Manhattan....I think jason in space is gonna be too funny though....
See, that is the beauty of it...all those discussions I had in the 4th grade with my pals about ways to finally kill off Jason Vorhees........."we had a moment..." I think i'll cry, my youth was spent watching horror movies and buying comics, was it a waste??? Or was it the best time of my life????
That's right brat, the third movie in the HellRaiser series is HellRaiser 3: Hell on Earth. MindMorgue has a good point, as it is certainly the weakest movie in the HellRaiser series. Believe it or not, I have actually seen Jason X already(kinda got a sneak preview a couple months ago), and it is actually very good! It has great special effects, and the body count may be higher than any other Friday the 13th to date. The thing that will blow you away is the fact that there is actually a plot that ties together pretty good. Not to say this is the perfect Friday the 13th movie, but I bet you will like it TD!

Cheerz everybody!