Obituary-esque death metal and death n roll...


Garbage Connoisseur
Mar 4, 2008
Roadkill, WV
Obituary... Jungle Rot... and even Six Feet Under all share a style of slower death metal... I was looking for some more bands that fall under that category.. (and yes I'm aware I have a terrible time explaining it but people that know the bands should know what I mean)

The Death N Roll thing is more out there and a curiosity thing... as the only thing I've really heard was Wolverine Blues... and any findable recommendations would be great.
There is nothing special about Viogression.

For the death'n'roll thing, Crack Up - Heads Will Roll. It's a great blend of hard rock/punk and metal into short, simple, energetic songs. Can't find anything on youtube. The other album I have from them is From The Ground, it's not as good, although it contains a fantastic cover of Money Will Roll Right In.

EDIT: Why the fuck are the other guy's posts gone? Now I sound like a twat.

Cold In The Coffin
I need to get looking for some of this stuff... I havent gotten to much music lately other than whats on my mp3 player...

Not really death metal... but...
I did take my first listen to Anaal Nathrakh earlier today in The Codex Necro... I have to say I was blown away. Why didnt someone tell me they were so good godthatidontbelieveindammit.