"Obscure" Tracks


Everyone's Bitch
Feb 8, 2002
Pittsburgh, PA USA
Visit site
Hi everyone,
It would be really awesome of I could get a list of all the "professionally" recorded (by this, I guess I just mean studio-recorded) songs that aren't main tracks on DT's albums. i.e. bonus tracks, covers, etc. For example, I have an mp3 of Sacred Reich, where's this come from?

Many thanks.
Sacred Reich and Bringer of Torture came from some limited Japanese distributions of "The Gallery"
Sacred Reich = Sacred Reich cover
Bringer of Torture = Kreator cover

-The Poison Well

-22 Acacia Avenue (Iron Maiden)
-Lady in Black (Mercyful Fate)

-Misery in Me (song that never made it on Projector, never officially released, but a live version can be found on the net)
does the My Friend Of Misery cover count? that's a good one.. DT's style fits the song well I think.
Can someone tell me where I can find Misery In Me? I'm searching everywhere (WinMX, Kazaa) and I have a piece of it (they closed Audiogalaxy in between...).. I only miss that one and I'm desperate!
Thanx in advance!
If I'm not mistaken, somebody put an URL to "The poison well" not so long ago and there was noting said about that this link was not allowed. I recently formated my hard drive and lost this song and would glady hear it again if anybody could give me the adress!
Originally posted by seventi
If I'm not mistaken, somebody put an URL to "The poison well" not so long ago and there was noting said about that this link was not allowed.

regardless of what might have happened in the past, i'm currently following a policy of compliance with the general directions of this site (ultimatemetal) and - i guess - the band. public, direct links to specific copyright protected material could put the owner of ultimatemetal in some trouble - just think of a band suddenly waking up one morning feeling this place has been helping mp3s piracy - and i have to assume if dt were absolutely positive about some songs to spread freely they would upload them on their site themselves. dt members are usually pretty relaxed when it comes to... sharing their material, as in: they don't hold a grudge or shut down their board. ;) but, like i said elsewhere, that's about the end of it. suggestions as to were to download mp3s in general are tolerated, and so are public comments such as "i downloaded that song and did not buy the record". so please let's all be kind and don't ask the band to cross this already pretty relaxed line. :)


I know but come on!!, it's a song that's very difficult to buy 'cause is on the japanese version...if I would be asking for a song that appears in the regular i'll totally understand what you guys said.
@thereaper: still it's the band's decision - and possibly the label's - so there's no way one can bypass the other. some infos have already been given and if knowledgeable ppl where to point other ppl towards p2p software or irc channels it'd be ok by me, but - as i said - nothing more specific. after all if you really really want to have that song you ought to be prepared to spend some time looking for it. ;)

@wildfyr: imo it's a bit too simple and cheesy, but the lyrics are top notch.
