Obscurus Advocam - Verbia Daemonicus


Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
Obscurus Advocam – Verbia Daemonicus
Battle Kommand Records – BKR014 – February 6,2007
By Wayward_Son


Believe it or not, Faithful Reader, reviewing music for your benefit is not an easy task. It can be rewarding, it can be fun, and it can be a chore. Reviewing Verbia Daemonicus falls into the latter. Now this writer is by no means complaining about reviewing sub-par metal. Face the facts; we are subjected to mediocre music on a daily basis. The day this writer gives up hope on new bands releasing music that has something to say and something to offer is the day this writer disappears.

Obscurus Advocam is yet another new French black metal outfit. However, those of you who dig deeper than the basics will be familiar with the members’ main bands, namely Glorior Belli and Temple of Baal. Infestuus of Glorior Belli provides the vocals, bass and guitars, while Temple of Baal’s Antares sits behind the drums.

While this writer cannot find anything truly wrong with Verbia Daemonicus, nor can something inherently right be found. The album is competently played, with some great riffs of varying pace, particularly on ‘Starlight to Twilight’ and the title track. ‘Endarkenment’ is easily the best song to be found here, with a decent melody and a sense of the sinister, mostly due to the use of ambient sounds. Overall however, Verbia Daemonicus just plays through its duration without making any sort of lasting impact. It is one of those albums that will suddenly end and you will wonder where the last forty-two minutes went. You will not remember one note that was played.

When listening to Verbia Daemonicus, the one feature that surprises this writer is the production. It is crystal clear without the polish. In fact, this writer can honestly see fans of the more popular French acts like Deathspell Omega, or even Blut Aus Nord finding something to appreciate in Obscurus Advocam, however small.

As for this writer, much more is needed than competent playing and a good production.

Official Obscurus Advocam Website
Official Battle Kommand Records Website