Oceano - District Of Misery Full cover

Jul 31, 2010
I have been working on this for the past 2 day's im starting to really get happy with it, this is not the final mix im sure ill be making changes.
Also this is a lot lighter on the bass grit than i would normally do and this i was meaning to do, because on the actually album there is not a whole ton, so i figured it would be to drastic to add grit like i normally would

i am not really going for a exact sound, kinda putting my twist on it a lil bit, so keep that in mind. But i like it well enough to show and i think its solid enough to share with others. hah so here you go hope you all enjoy! :headbang:

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/13978357/Oceano - District Of Misery Mix 4 (FirstStrikeProductions).mp3

((((((mix 5))))))
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/13978357/Oceano - District Of Misery mix 5 (FirstStrikeProductions) post.mp3

If you have any Q's i would gladly answer.

- Guitars -
Pod Farm
(note)(all rhythm guitar's are Quad tracked)

- Bass -

- Drums -
kick 10 blended with 2 of my kicks.
snare 12a
Toms are GMS Coated
Cymbals are from the shoulder city pack
How loud are the quad guitars in comparison to each other?
as in, you have 2 guitars left and 2 right, but how loud is left guitar 1 to left guitar 2 and so on for the right?
gotta give Chris some major props for nailing that snare tone. he worked on that snare for like an entire day!
This is deff something i will not be posting stems of lol.
maybe on down the road, but i have not even called this mix done yet.

its mix 4 but im going to keep working on stuff until its perfect
I think the mix would benefit from having a bit more low end. The bass is hardly audible. Otherwise, it sounds great!
I think the mix would benefit from having a bit more low end. The bass is hardly audible. Otherwise, it sounds great!

I could agree with you on this.
but listen to the version on depths its not to much different man lol.
that mix is not very bass heavy.
so i kinda just stuck to the roots of how it was mixed.

the only think i went into this knowing was that i was for sure going to change the toms used, and i was not going to run a amp sim for bass.
other than that i kinda just went for a match.
its not perfect, but i do not think it is to far off really.

If you ever check out any of my actually work that is not a cover, or anything that i have posted honestly, its pretty bass heavy, and the bass plays a huge roll in the mix. this one, i was meaning for that to not be the case.