Odd way of using Superior's OH/AMB?


Sep 12, 2006
I'm always having a itchy-bitch of a time with my drum sounds out of Superior. This is the way I break it down, please tell me if this is just too odd, or if I not out of the ballpark...

I run Sonar, and I have everything going to it's respective channel. But, to get the balance and controll, I ONLY have a small amount of Kick, and snare balanced against the toms going to the OH channel... And I use the AMB specifically for my cymbals, so I can EQ and compress separatly.... odd?

I also compress the dogshit out of my OH's with no attack , too make the drums very hot, and create a big hot room (mmm..sexy), and then mix to taste.

But I have an issue w/ my AMB's, I always have an issue with cymbals, I can't get them to sit correctly.

Everyone talks about how great S1's cymbals are, which leads me to believe I am a retard...
I run Sonar, and I have everything going to it's respective channel. But, to get the balance and controll, I ONLY have a small amount of Kick, and snare balanced against the toms going to the OH channel... And I use the AMB specifically for my cymbals, so I can EQ and compress separatly.... odd?

Nah, thats what I do too.
Yes. Only Kick, Snare, and Toms go into the OH's. All Cymbals and hat go into the AMB. These are both tweaked differently, and then bussed to a Drumbus where they meet the rest of the mics. And if this is weird, then good.... that's what I want to know. No matter what I do, just straight DFHS, or complete Drumagog replacement on all the separate mics, plus the OH/AMB treatment, it just doesn't sit right.
I think if you want a big room sound like you mentioned - do it with the ambient mics, that's what they're for.

If you want to process everything seperately, why don't you just use the split mic function when you bounce the tracks? You can get a seperate track for each cymbal.
cause I never bounce my tracks, they just go as I export to Wav. And I guess i shouldn't say I want a big "roomy" sound, more or less, a modern compressed sound.... I think I just hate DFHS's snare, but can never mix anything else well.


All those, (minus "the horror" which uses Sneap Kick and Snare) are straight DFHS, It just feels like something missing. and it's always the same ole' snare...
I use the OH and AMB mics ALOT. I really like what they do to the sound. The AMB Mid is really good if you want to replace reverb, IMO. I don't like compressing cymbals directly. So I've sent my OH(cymbals only) and paralellcompressed the shit out of it instead. Seems to get a more transparent result.
I kinda understand the question, but the only thing I turn down in the OH and AMB mics is the kick drum and leavery everything else on.

Let's keep things real ;)