Odin's Court Guitar Announcement

Rick Pierpont

Odin's Court Guitar
Oct 1, 2003
Morrisville, NC

Since there are a number of people here who know me personally, I thought I'd update you with what's going on musically in my life. The new CD is amazing and I actually think many people here would enjoy it.


ODIN’S COURT is happy to announce our vacant guitar position has been filled by Rick Pierpont (ex-ODIN’S COURT)!

Matt had the following to say about the prodigal son’s return: "When Rick left us, things felt incomplete. ODIN’S COURT is a band that promotes friendship, and over the years we’ve grown to be a close family. Although we had some strong candidates who were both musically gifted and great people, when Rick approached us about returning, we discussed it and could not say 'no'. ODIN’S COURT is complete once again."

Rick had this to say about rejoining ODIN’S COURT: "I always knew we had a special camaraderie, but after a couple of months away from them, I realized how much I missed them. Then when I heard the mostly final mix of the DEATHANITY, I was BLOWN AWAY at the music we had created together! Between Matt's unique but SOLID vocal delivery, the two songs with guest vocals, the many layers of vocals, the solid playing, the overall mix, the details in the production, the concept, the artwork, etc... I just knew I couldn’t turn my back on such an amazing piece of work or my friends any longer. I knew I had to go back to my ODIN’S COURT family."

ODIN’S COURT recently finished their new CD DEATHANITY, a concept album about the direction the human race is taking the planet. Tony Kakko (best known for his work with SONATA ARCTICA) was announced as a guest vocalist on the song "Crownet". Another guest vocalist will be announced later this month. ODIN'S COURT is currently shopping their new album to labels.

ODIN’S COURT will be performing live in Atlanta supporting CIRCLE II CIRCLE on their exclusive one-off show put on by PATHFINDER PROMOTIONS. Also in support are Eclipsed by Insanity and Halcyon Way.

ODIN’S COURT is happy to announce our vacant guitar position has been filled by Rick Pierpont (ex-ODIN’S COURT)!

Gotta love that!! ;) Congrats, Rick! :rock:
Just curious: how do you Americans survive gigs with 3 opening acts? Or is everyone just playing 20 minutes or so?
Gotta love that!! ;) Congrats, Rick! :rock:
Just curious: how do you Americans survive gigs with 3 opening acts? Or is everyone just playing 20 minutes or so?
Hey thanks! It feels good to be back with my OC family now. Yeah, I know Matt covered the rest, but yeah it does suck. I personally would rather not have so many openers even as a paying customer. Especially since club owners are sometimes notorious for not matching the bands up really well. Can you imagine some screaming emo kids opening for an Enchant show?!?!? There are some club owners that are Ok with that. Of course, those clubs don't usually last long either.
I despise it when the opening bands are mis-matched! I went to see Graham Bonnet sing with the Taz Taylor band in Hollywood on Friday, and every opening band had this loud thrashy noise! I'm like, do they really think that oldschool Rainbow/Alcatrazz fans came to hear this? I couldn't handle it, I finally walked out with my wife in the rain and waited two hours until the headliners came on! Why do promoters do that?!?!

Uh, with that being said...look for me on tour with Graham Bonnet & the Taz Taylor band throughout Europe in March & April. With any luck the opening lineups will be a little better matched.

PS - Hey Rick, congradulations for getting back with the band. I thought you WERE Odin's Court...? I'm a little confused, but happy for you nonetheless.


All my best,

I despise it when the opening bands are mis-matched! I went to see Graham Bonnet sing with the Taz Taylor band in Hollywood on Friday, and every opening band had this loud thrashy noise! I'm like, do they really think that oldschool Rainbow/Alcatrazz fans came to hear this? I couldn't handle it, I finally walked out with my wife in the rain and waited two hours until the headliners came on! Why do promoters do that?!?!

Uh, with that being said...look for me on tour with Graham Bonnet & the Taz Taylor band throughout Europe in March & April. With any luck the opening lineups will be a little better matched.

PS - Hey Rick, congradulations for getting back with the band. I thought you WERE Odin's Court...? I'm a little confused, but happy for you nonetheless.


All my best,

Hey Eric,

Yeah, I'll never understand that. That's really crazy that they paired up thrash type bands with such old school sounds! It must've been bad to wait in the rain. :lol: Nice segue dude! Congrats on the gig!

Thanks! No, OC is something that Matt started and his defintitely his baby. Although I can safely say that OC really is ALL five of us! We are a family and it took going away for a couple of months for me to truly realize that. I can't imaginie it not being the way it is now. I hope you have a chance in you busy schedule to check out the songs on MySpace.

BTW, at the annual OC Christmas party this year, we did a CD/DVD exchange where everyone brings a wrapped CD or DVD that they would like to share with others. We then take turns picking one from under the tree or "stealing" one from someone else. It goes until all the disks have been opened. Well, one of them was Vox Tempus (and it wasn't me that brought it)! Thought you might like to know that...
Fair enough! I'm just so used to seeing Rick posting EVERYWHERE, and he is always promoting the band so I just assumed it was his baby. I admire the dedicate you all have to the band, and to each other. Best of luck, I can't wait to hear the next release!

No. Rick is definitely a big component, but I started this band and managed it for 6+ years now. Rick joined about 3 years ago.
Fair enough! I'm just so used to seeing Rick posting EVERYWHERE, and he is always promoting the band so I just assumed it was his baby. I admire the dedicate you all have to the band, and to each other. Best of luck, I can't wait to hear the next release!
:lol: Its all good, Eric! Yeah, I get around. And while it may not be MY baby per se, I try to treat it as such since it is a big part of my life. And that's in addition to juggling a FT job as a software engineer, having my two boys that live with me (9 and 11), a GF that lives with me along with her 14 y/o son, and house to take care of. Couple that with the fact that we are spread all over the area with 140 miles between me and Matt (and John since they both live in the same neighborhood). So I figure if I have to work that hard to fit music into my life, I better give it my all and help "spread the word." :rock:

Thanks! We are quite like a little family. Thanks! Well, for now you have to settle for the samples and whole songs posted on our website and MySpace.
I despise it when the opening bands are mis-matched! I went to see Graham Bonnet sing with the Taz Taylor band in Hollywood on Friday, and every opening band had this loud thrashy noise! I'm like, do they really think that oldschool Rainbow/Alcatrazz fans came to hear this? I couldn't handle it, I finally walked out with my wife in the rain and waited two hours until the headliners came on! Why do promoters do that?!?!

Speaking of mis-matched openers...

I saw Eric Johnson a number of years ago (AMAZING!), and the opening band was "The Tragically Hip." I'd never heard anything by them, and while I don't know how "Hip" they are....having them open for EJ was definitely Tragic. :lol:

Speaking of mis-matched openers...

I saw Eric Johnson a number of years ago (AMAZING!), and the opening band was "The Tragically Hip." I'd never heard anything by them, and while I don't know how "Hip" they are....having them open for EJ was definitely Tragic. :lol:

Yeah, you gotta love those mismatched shows. :-( I would love to see EJ sometime! Awesome tone, awesome player!!

Ed, I know I still owe a reply. Things have been kinda nuts. I've been spending less time on the internet, so I'm a bit behind in all that. I do have some good news though. Here's an announcement we sent to our mailing list:

ODIN'S COURT is happy to announce we will be featured on our local radio station 97.7 The Rocket this Friday, April 11th at 5:30, 7:30, and 9:00AM EST. Two new songs from the album Deathanity will be featured, including “Mammonific”, a song with very special guest vocalist Tom Englund (EVERGREY)! “Manifest Destiny” will also be played, as well as a brief interview with Matt.

Tune in anywhere worldwide through the web on 97.7 The Rocket’s homepage.

ODIN'S COURT recently finished their new CD DEATHANITY, a concept album about the direction the human race is taking the planet. They are currently in the process of signing with a label, and details about the album’s release will come out in the coming weeks.

Rock on!