New Guitarist Announced

How about Steve "Lips" Kudlow from ANVIL?
Never seen him, but I just looked him up. :lol:

...and the survey says? Just throwin' it out there for ya, Rick. LOL!
Ya know... as much as I hate to admit it, I can see the resemblence to Kenny G, but honestly is the ONLY one out of everyone of them that I have ever heard. And quite likely would explain how come I've heard it the most. Out in LA once someone was convinced I *was* him. :lol: But no, I can't see me looking like Lips. lol!!

So how many of you people are planning on going to the Circle 2 Circle show that we're playing with Halcyon's Way and Eclipsed By Sanity? It will be cool to see everyone again so soon after ProgPower!

Hoyt has been working his butt off to build the Atlanta metal scene via Pathfinder Promotions. Now he's also associated with Intromental along with Glenn and they are bringing this awesome show to Atlanta. Both Pathfinder Promotions and Intromental need this show to be a SUCCESS!! They need to have demonstrated success so that when they are trying to book tours of the virtually unknown bands we all love in other areas of the country, they won't be treated like a red-headed step-child. While we all hold these guys in high regard, they are unfortunately not well-known every where and need the fans to help them out by coming out and supporting the shows they put together. We were all disappointed when C2C dropped off the tour package, now Atlanta and the surrounding areas get a second chance to see C2C perform this one-off show. I bet you that Zak and the biys are going to be ready to deliver the goods -- I hope they get the crowd they deserve and I know that we, along with Halcyon Way and Eclipsed By Sanity are looking forward to playing for all of you as well! :kickass::kickass::kickass:
I'm glad to hear you're back with the Odin's Court guys, as you sound very excited. However, I was wondering where that leaves you with Mystic Force. I've been dying to hear another album by them, and it would be a shame for them to just call it a day. I hope you don't mind me asking.

Stay metal. Never rust.
Ya know, I JUST woke up & read this, and sure enough, I read it as "...thanks for shaving my back..." :lol::yuk::lol:
I need to go back to sleep....jeeze
:lol: Go back to sleep! Maybe its also time you went out and bought some reading glasses. :heh:

Met-Al said:
I'm glad to hear you're back with the Odin's Court guys, as you sound very excited. However, I was wondering where that leaves you with Mystic Force. I've been dying to hear another album by them, and it would be a shame for them to just call it a day. I hope you don't mind me asking.
Thanks dude! I am excited, its great to be back with my band mates and I love the new CD!

No, I don't mind you asking. Obviously, you have been paying attention ;) As far as my involvement, as I have a busy personal life with kids, a job, etc... I'm not going to remain involved with Mystic Force but instead concentrate my efforts with Odin's Court. We are pushing ourselves to become bigger and better than ever and that requires dedication from the individual members. The new CD is amazing and is pushing us to basically re-invent our live show to a certain extent in order to do it the justice it deserves. ;)

As far as the new Mystic Force, Keith remains committed to creating the next release and is continuing to work on it. He and the other guitarist have been getting together for some time and working on writing and recording tracks in order to get them to the drummer so he can record his parts. I believe Keith is still shooting for a release later this year. As a long-time fan myself, I think I can safely say that you will be happy with the direction of the new CD based on the tracks I've heard.
Ya know... as much as I hate to admit it, I can see the resemblence to Kenny G, but honestly is the ONLY one out of everyone of them that I have ever heard. And quite likely would explain how come I've heard it the most. Out in LA once someone was convinced I *was* him. :lol: But no, I can't see me looking like Lips. lol!!

So how many of you people are planning on going to the Circle 2 Circle show that we're playing with Halcyon's Way and Eclipsed By Sanity? It will be cool to see everyone again so soon after ProgPower!

Hoyt has been working his butt off to build the Atlanta metal scene via Pathfinder Promotions. Now he's also associated with Intromental along with Glenn and they are bringing this awesome show to Atlanta. Both Pathfinder Promotions and Intromental need this show to be a SUCCESS!! They need to have demonstrated success so that when they are trying to book tours of the virtually unknown bands we all love in other areas of the country, they won't be treated like a red-headed step-child. While we all hold these guys in high regard, they are unfortunately not well-known every where and need the fans to help them out by coming out and supporting the shows they put together. We were all disappointed when C2C dropped off the tour package, now Atlanta and the surrounding areas get a second chance to see C2C perform this one-off show. I bet you that Zak and the biys are going to be ready to deliver the goods -- I hope they get the crowd they deserve and I know that we, along with Halcyon Way and Eclipsed By Sanity are looking forward to playing for all of you as well! :kickass::kickass::kickass:
Ah, shucks!
All I want to know is when the video I took of him at Barfest will appear on Youtube!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:
:lol: You bastard! Hey, what would a gig be without at least one funny, embarrassing story? ;)

I had a video camera up on the balcony that night for our set, but it didn't survive the flight out to SF very well. :( I got it working well enough to shoot the video, but have never been able to play it back to digitize it. I just got a replacement camera off of eBay a couple of weeks ago, now I can finally pull it off of there. No close up shots if you know what I mean. :lol:
I am very pleased to announce that I was at BARfest and throroughly enjoyed Odin's Court's Set and did not bear witness to any of which you speak...

Thank GOD!!! :lol::lol::lol::rock:

Keepin' my eyes on the fret board where they belong damn it! :heh:
