Odin's Court Kicked ASS Last Night!


Aug 9, 2005
Odin's Court Kicked ASS Last Night!

Caught the Zero Hour show last night in Brooklyn and have to say Odin's Court was outstanding. Their music is an excellent blend of solid song writing and tecnical playing without too much wankery. some of the melodic solo sections dragged on a bit but overall I would have to say they were the best band of the night.

Zero Hour, while technically amazing- their songs do nothing for me. There's no chorus, no hook, just a lot of quirky time changes and angular riffs. While it's nice to have two hot twins playing bass and guitar, doesn't give me enough to hold my interest if the songs aren't there.

Suspyre also put in an outstanding performance, somewhere between prog and power metal. Great musicians in all three of these bands.

I was pretty disappointed with the opener- the void. For some reason I was expecting a combination of October Thorns and Zandelle- two of my favorite Brooklyn bands but they weren't powermetal like Zandelle with the hyper fast chugging guitars and awesome fun lyrics about dragons and warriors and stuff and they didn't showcase any of the super technical playing of October Thorns.

Pretty creepy, they didn't interact with the crowd at all, just plowed through their set and barely looked up. Never said nothing, lol.

I guess I'm from the 80's metal scene when it comes to live shows, I like the "How y'all doin' tonight?!" and "Don't forget to tip your waitress and bartenders!" schtick.

I dug the music all right and really like their myspace but live, I wasn't diggin their vibe.

The show was really cool, the Hook is starting to do these massive 18+ shows with under 18 allowed with a parent. I think that is so cool, it's great to see the enthusiasm of fresh faces in the scene around here, even if they are covered in acne, lol.
