of roMANtism

trona said:
Mehdi, your insecurities are showing again.

who doesnt suffer from insecurity these days tho? infinite insecurities, i cant deny them. oh and im surprised you learnt such complicated words in your reservation :tickled:
Strangelight said:
You can take them to KFC and that. Thats romantic and not cheesy, unless you feed each other, which is just sick like.

yeah love feeding is just fucking sick man.
mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
do you reckon you can be romantic without being cheesy? is it possbile to be roMANtic?

without you feeling that you lose your credibility or what?

the cheese isn't so bad if brought in the right way, like those cheesy *romantic* old-manners are funny if they're brought without too much seriousness (i.e.: a guy falling on his knees with a rose between his teeth after he returns from holiday and having his arms wide open as he could carry you around anywhere :) or buying a pie with strawberries and those marsipain sayings on it for some occasion, ah you know. you're not unmanly doing so, and i think most girls ain't extremely feminist to dislike those things)

just spending lots of time together, flee markets, drinking tea, etc, it's not cheesy right. and somehow it's romantic.

(irrelevant: romantic means as well 'escaping from reality/pain of life/goth stuff & mascara... perhaps HIM is the most ROMANTIC band of all - ask girls if they'd join you in dead, now ain't that romantic :lol:)
Strangelight said:
You can take them to KFC and that. Thats romantic and not cheesy, unless you feed each other, which is just sick like.
To be taken to KFC is very romantic, sharing a bucket of 16 pieces of fried chicken together is very very romantic, and DEFFO not cheesy at all!!!!
siderea said:
wow dunc, that's a roMANtic comment, the first sentence true cheese and the second one still showing your male supremacy, thumbs up !
Ah its all about keeping the right balance. In reality it's female supremacy cos the male traditionally pays for the KFC bucket, but thats ok, unless the male is a tight arse.
HIM is rather necromantic.

Love feeding, omg, you have to eat for your own sake, I mean as mehdi said it right it's really sick, like eating or chewing bubble gum and actually taking the stuff out of your partner's mouth via mouth contact, totally disgusting, now gimme a break dude :yell: