
I agree with Gorki and Don...
Love needs time...

When we said Love at first time is may call that *click* inside when you know that you find a person which is matching with you and if all go to good way will be love...

May at first time you have the "i am in love with you"
but the "i love you" needs time..
And when i said time no long or short time.....
but LOVE-LOVE from first sight i don't think that is exist...
And in Greek we have 2 words...


If you remember mythology EROS was like cartoon the little angle with the archery hahahaahahah

ok when we call ERWTA we said about in love
and AGAPH is love...

Here it's not Agapi at first sight
but Erwtas at first sight

so 1 point more in to my previous reply...
As Giorgos said,Agapi and Erotas*they look cheesy with latin characters*are different things.
i could never understand why the same word was used for two,so different things,in so many languages.
The difference is in the intensity...
The beauty is so lost when you refer to so many feelings with just a general term:love.:(
Anyway,im grateful to our ancestors for inventing this language*not to be taken in the nationalistic way of*,so one can find the expression that he craves for,or at least get closer to it.
oh well,im a cheesy puff,why am i talking after all? :(
Yes.i'm always talking to myself.but anyways,i post some stuff altogether and wait for the replies(?).i go for quantity,hahaha!not!haha
just that my case at the moment is a bit excuse me(while i kill myself):blush:
Watch out,Cheddarbreed,or i'll have the fucchia-pantie boy(the potato kid)bum your severely!M!
one cannot EVEN die in peace(under the stars,weeping with diamond tears)!
Ok, about the terms first: I think it'd be more appropriate to say 'Crush at the first sight', because 'crush' is far from love, more of a 'startpoint'.

I had experienced 'crush on the 1st sigh(t)' twice;
1st time when I was very young(about 9 or so), and needless to say it ended pretty much soon(she was, like, 2 years older, and that was a huuuge gap back then);
2nd time about 2,5 years ago, I had this *click* when I met this girl for the 1st time, but it was a devastation also, cause she was already having a bf for a long time.

So.....I believe it exists, the chemistry between the two.......
but it often fails.....depending on our own expectations.
Originally posted by Strangelight
I remember seeing Kim Wilde on the telly and that. Now I am a man.
I remember a poster of Kim Wilde today in Brussels. she's doing a show there :p