A prissy, bed-wetting un-American one it would seem![]()
But, you generally have good taste in music and have a cool dog. So, you get a pass on some things (except for your dislike of Alex Lifeson

A prissy, bed-wetting un-American one it would seem![]()
But, you generally have good taste in music and have a cool dog. So, you get a pass on some things (except for your dislike of Alex Lifeson).
I am not believing ANY of this till I see video of you behind the console in his studio WITH him. I think Ill forward him the SSL thread just so he can get some digs in on ya .... and for those of you who dont know about the SSL and EZD thing ... check my signature "The most epic of epic threads on UM"
Besides, since you seem to know at least every other celebrity and/or musician out there, why not just give the band or Machine a call and ask what's up?![]()
Besides, since you seem to know at least every other celebrity and/or musician out there, why not just give the band or Machine a call and ask what's up?![]()
wtf is up with those krk's angles?
three (3) 0.5 liter bottles of Jägermeister before I believe anything.