Off to Machine Shop to Engineer the new Miss May I Album!

I am not believing ANY of this till I see video of you behind the console in his studio WITH him. I think Ill forward him the SSL thread just so he can get some digs in on ya .... and for those of you who dont know about the SSL and EZD thing ... check my signature "The most epic of epic threads on UM"

Dude, you still have energy to pester the kid about that? Yeah, it was a hilarious episode, but don't you think it's time to let it go already? If he's engineering the album, that's great for him. If he's just assisting, the credits will speak for themselves when the album is out. It's all the same to us.

Besides, since you seem to know at least every other celebrity and/or musician out there, why not just give the band or Machine a call and ask what's up? :lol:
Well i belive it when we see the pics.

Nick has done sooo much blunders since he became a member. SSL, Not tuning vocals, not editing guitar blablabla.. Allot of lies all the time. But if it is true then Congratz man!!!
Hey Nick, despite some awkward "moments" on the forum I think this is great. So grats and good luck, I know many here would kill for this chance.

Now one thing im not able to get from the post, will you "just" be assisting/doing the tracking and so on or will you actually be the one to mix the album ?
If it is, then I don't know how he does it. I've seen other shots of the place with what looks like older KRK's, NS10s and some others... Maybe this is a different spot in the place...
I demand a testimonial signed by Machine and Nick's mother, a 3D video of them playing Ping Pong in jumpsuits, a free limited edition (if there isn't a limited edition, I demand one will be pressed just for me) copy of this album (although I have to confess I'm not familiar with the band) and three (3) 0.5 liter bottles of Jägermeister before I believe anything.
Guys-- Machine has a live room, in which we do all of the drums, and preproduction. He has a seperate mixing room, and there are actually 2 other control rooms other than that.. The pic with the KRKs are for his live/tracking room.. So placement is not that essential for such things!

ALSO, machine shop has recently moved and the building is still under construction.. :)
Nick and I are both managed by the same guy at Thrust Management, and I heard from him that Nick is indeed working on this record. Congrats man, it's a great opportunity.