Off to Machine Shop to Engineer the new Miss May I Album!


Does he have a favorite setup?

Dude not at all.. He hates repeating anything.. Everything is from scratch which leads to a much more interesting album of course.

I will say this:

He is a real fucking producer 110% all the way!

He spends so much time on preproduction, that by the time he's done with that, the album is already a massive sounding album.. Everything is set in stone (for the most part) at that point.

He does this to acquire a vision with the band.. He is like a boxing coach, but a producer.. He'll take all of the good things about a band and embellish them exponentially. Throughout this process, him and I talk and figure out a game plan on drum micing/tuning, guitar amp ideas, ect.
If not a general go-to setup, does he have any favorite gear which he often uses for super heavy guitar sounds? Mics, pres, comps, etc? By boxing coach, you mean he isn't afraid of telling people what sucks/can be improved upon? Is he soft or a straight-shooter? lol.
If not a general go-to setup, does he have any favorite gear which he often uses for super heavy guitar sounds? Mics, pres, comps, etc? By boxing coach, you mean he isn't afraid of telling people what sucks/can be improved upon? Is he soft or a straight-shooter? lol.

Yes everything is either through his AMEK X pres, or through an API.

He's literally an amazing producer. It's hard to explain without seeing it.. He is part of the band while he produces. He is so involved in the writing aspect and the VIBE of everything, it's awesome.

what's he running for the guitar splitter if you don't mind me asking?

We're using a Radial JD7 injector

I'm REALLY pushing the guitarists on this album.. I felt in their last album, they were just labeled as a 'core' band rather than a metal band, because of the riff building/sorta flat tone, even though they definitely call for massive/tubey tone 110%.

So all guitars are being tracked straight through our rig setup, and we're just commiting to the tone we have going rather than reamping.
you guys are using a marshall tsl? ok there are enough other great amps that are going to cover the sound :D
but for real-I never got a good sound out of a tsl, really interested in that guitar sound, seems like you have
a great time there Nick.
Yes thank you so much Nick, and congratulations dude! Its one hell of a serious gig. If you somehow overhear anything from Will talking about the Northlane record, please share :D
What I meant was, regardless of whether any of his albums were 100% real or sample augmented, I always love his drum sounds. I wasn't saying his albums had samples, simply saying that it wouldn't matter to me if they were. They always sound great.

Yeah, his tones are great! VERY unique. and thats what its all about. i know that machine/will make natural samples of the drummers (good sounding) kit, and use them in the mix. maybe i´m a little off with this point, but you guys are here to correct that if i´m wrong :-P greets

P.S.: NICK...big congrats on engineering this record! how much better could it get, 4 real ....
A day and a half tweaking drum tones to perfection? That seems like it would take a crazy amount of patience. How long did it take for the drummer to track everything?

Are you even bothering to take a DI signal as a safety net? This is an awesome thread and thanks for sharing.
Like I said, we're running all of those amps at once.. 2 cabs (in separate iso boxes) are being projected at once.

5150/orange--- 421/57 combo

Dezil/Mesa OS--- 421/57 combo

BUT in this whole rig, there is a secret weapon that I'll not talk about.. You'll hear it in the record, but we're doing something a bit unorthodox
Well guys, my job at machine shop is now done. All that's left is for machine to finish up vocals. He tracks vocals himself becasue that's his niche.

I cannot even begin to explain some of the valuable lessons I've learned working with Machine, and miss may i!

Btw, Miss May I is fucking METAL, not a risecore band like their labeled.. Can't wait for you guys to realize that when this album drops.. Metal as fuck..
Haha, lets see when the first song gets released.
Miss may I have so far been rightfully labeled a risecore band because well, their albums have pretty much reflected that label :p
Haha, lets see when the first song gets released.
Miss may I have so far been rightfully labeled a risecore band because well, their albums have pretty much reflected that label :p

Actually, the scene was sorta fighting the fact that they're metal.

They got signed to Rise, instant stamp right there.. They worked with Sturgis (no offense, I'm a fan of his work and all, but that sort of reflects their issue as well). They were thrown on scene driven tours by their label and management.. It's unfortunate for them, because their music (on this newest album at least) is actually metal.. It's not NILE metal, but it's definitely not Attack attack either.
What kind of Iso-Boxes did you use for the guitar recording stuff? Something custom built or was it like one of these thingys with the speaker built in?
Also what is a good song to start listening to Miss May I?

Machine made them.. There are 4 solid sides (plywood, vinyl, other stuff, super thick). The floor is open, and the front is a latch on wall type thing.. inside is just a bunch of fiberglass sound insulation. He has three of them, and they're all in a single room that is very secluded from the rest of the studio.
that's so awesome to hear nick... i think it's great that you took this opportunity!

you are a ridiculously talented guitarist and it's cool to see that your engineering chops are not going unnoticed!

i can't wait to hear the new album! :)