*off topic* i need help! ( comp stuff )


human wrecking ball
Jul 25, 2002
France [ Lille ]
Hello there there!

well sorry to interrupt with a nerd-like thread, but i have some troubles with the comp and i thought some of you were well into computer stuff so please help!:)

i'm using a friend's laptop lately, and since i connected it to internet, i have sometimes pop ups apearing. i have no clue where it's coming from, for i havent downloaded anything from the internet on this comp. here's a screen shot i did 10 minutes ago :


It seems like ive been well fucked by some spywares or something, right?:ill:

What can i do to get rid of it? its not me compter so id better get it clean again:erk:

dank je wel merci danke schon thank you
Lenore said:
Hello there there!

well sorry to interrupt with a nerd-like thread, but i have some troubles with the comp and i thought some of you were well into computer stuff so please help!:)

i'm using a friend's laptop lately, and since i connected it to internet, i have sometimes pop ups apearing. i have no clue where it's coming from, for i havent downloaded anything from the internet on this comp. here's a screen shot i did 10 minutes ago :


It seems like ive been well fucked by some spywares or something, right?:ill:

What can i do to get rid of it? its not me compter so id better get it clean again:erk:

dank je wel merci danke schon thank you
erm.. .this is actually a network feature made by microsoft. i think it can be disabled, but im not sure how. i'd search the net for you if I was at home, but im a work :/
Yesm seems like spyware. Try to find Adaware 6 and download it. It's a nice program which searches for stuff like that on your comp.
does someone knows a free virus scanner somewhere?
i've already been looking for one for a long time, but i'm never sure which ones are to be trusted
it looks like a pc - perhaps you could do a search for the "regedit" file, and dive into the registry and search for everything that seems to be related with the popup (E-Z i see?) - and delete it. do the same for everything that has been installed lately (see Add/Remove programs), or things in the start>program list that do not seem to belong there (the bottom ones are usually freshly installed)

perhaps you'd better ask someone else here (or there) cos i dont know too much of it, but this is normally the way how i get rid of crap like this.
g'luck mate ;)
and if u use xp, download and install regularly all updates especially security patches
tho its good to run ad aware now and then :Smug: ...
and a virusscan and firewall too but many people still dont understand, so they dont use em....
cedarbreed said:
Yeah, even if it's not spyware this time, use Ad-Aware, it's ace !
@ Tools : Can you really call a girl 'mate' ? :erk:
if we call them "man" we can use "mate" i guess... :tickled:
cedarbreed said:
Yeah, even if it's not spyware this time, use Ad-Aware, it's ace !
@ Tools : Can you really call a girl 'mate' ? :erk:
i think it's nice when he does that, imho it sounds like he doesn't take sexual interest as a first thing when talking to her :)
computerwizard needed!
if you can fix computers, please come over, i need help with this machine. i will give you food and tender care. you can sleep on my couch for few days and i will take you to the city for sightseentrip.please contact me asap.thank you.

ps.the computer is in finland.