Off Topic Thread

Gregadeth ... you spend too much. Cool man!

Buy me something! He he!

Actually some shit I would love to get at the moment!

Millennium - Season 1 DVD
X-Files Season 2-4
Yeah, thats important.

Which girl next door dvd do you have.?? I one i jakked is the rated r. :(

The thing is, there are very little differences between the R rated and unrated. Not even whole scenes are different, just details. Like when ELi is talking to matthew on the phone, the porn that he is watching is different. And when peterson and matthew are getting lap dances, in the unrated their topless, in the ra rated they have tops on. Just minor details like that, but what really fuckin sucks is that the unrated DVd has a shit load of extras when the r rated only has commentary by the director and a trivia track.
nafnikufesin said:
Would there by any interest in a Q&A thread in this forum? They have them in some of the other UM forums, but I didn't want to just go ahead and start one when there's already a lot of off-topic clutter on this board as it is.
Yeah that car battery thing is killing me. Think I'm going to get a manual tonight.

Or just have pork chops and beer.
what's for lunch?

Can I get a thousand virgins and a large diet coke to go?

Burger Flipper:
Do you want fries with that?


And yes I'm starve and off to lunch.
No matter how verbiose and intelligent their argument. You come back with something to the effect of "put your mouth up to my mud volcano and wait you fat faggot" and you can see their face turn red and contort with feral aggression. They just spent all that time trying to convince you of something they believe is right in their heart and you insulted them like a five year old kid. You fucking win. The angriest one who punches a wall will not sleep tonight.

Last known use of poo-poo tactics was during a pro-choice argument with my sister, she is an educated bimbo but I was getting bored and wanted to watch the hilarious edited version of Casino on TBS. The argument was getting intense and the volume of voices was rising exponetially. We were even talking really fast and making hand gestures like two latin women. So I just simply said "speaking of abortion, you're alot fatter since I last saw you.." She slammed her hand down on the breakfast bar and said "oh that's just great" and stormed up the stairs. I made myself some fajitas and laughed at the movie.

I lost once when my uncle Rick showed me how to argue the right way. He's pretty stupid and buys happy meals still. But he made me so angry I just about threw my coke at him at Arby's. I learnt from the best.