Offering free reamping once again

eyes of wrath

Jul 15, 2007
Hi everyone,
Back in August of last year I offered reamping of one song to the fist 10 people that contacted me at no charge. It was an enjoyable experience and it was nice to give back to a forum that has been very helpful to me over the years. I have found myself with some free time over the next couple of weeks and would like to offer up free reamping of a single song once more. Ideally, I would like to work with people that I haven't worked with in the past, but I will certainly consider anything that is sent to me :devil: I currently own amps by Mesa, Marshall, Krank, Blackstar, Peavey and Roland. Please contact me through this thread or through pm for more info if you are interested.
Here are a few examples of reamp work that I did for other forum members: from the sky.wav letter 5150.wav is One.wav Sleepwalkers - The Burning Oracle.mp3

You're ruining the reamping industry bro.:Spin:

I'm sorry you feel that way. Personally, I don't feel that offering a couple of people a reamp of one song is really going to ruin the industry. People post free drum samples all the time and I don't see people complaining. That is their way of giving back to a forum that has helped them, and this is my way.
hey steve. I'm intersted in the blackstar amp sound. do you have any clips?

At the moment I do not have any blackstar clips. I did a huge system upgrade at the end of last year and no longer have the sessions that I used the blackstar on. If you are interested in hearing the blackstar on one of your songs, feel free to pm me.
Steve knows what he's doing, He's done a great job re-amping my cruddy guitar tracks before :lol:. Highly recommended.
Sure man.:) My mixes usually don't do well here on the forum, though, but if it helps you out np at all. :lol: Sleepwalkers - The Burning Oracle.mp3

The rhythms are reamps by Steve and all the leads are sims. Dual Rec with OD808 using both an SM57 and a Rode K2 (so 4 tracks, the Shure is 100% L/R and the Rode is panned 80%). The only post eq is hipass and lopass. I lopassed them at 8Khz so to some peeps they may sound dark, but with the leads in there quite a bit it helped clarity. Even with my poor mixing skills they really sound great imo.
Sure man.:) My mixes usually don't do well here on the forum, though, but if it helps you out np at all. :lol: Sleepwalkers - The Burning Oracle.mp3

The rhythms are reamps by Steve and all the leads are sims. Dual Rec with OD808 using both an SM57 and a Rode K2 (so 4 tracks, the Shure is 100% L/R and the Rode is panned 80%). The only post eq is hipass and lopass. I lopassed them at 8Khz so to some peeps they may sound dark, but with the leads in there quite a bit it helped clarity. Even with my poor mixing skills they really sound great imo.
Thanks for posting that man. I agree that they are a littler on the darker side, but I think that the way your processed the tracks fits your song pretty well.
@ Pre Studio Productions - Here is a link to a reamp I did for Mago on one of his threads. & Mago eow 5150iii v2.wav
Feel free to pm me if you would like more examples.
I have a question about reamping. Is it okay to have a rythm DI guitar track that was made from using "free track positioning"? i.e multiple takes on one track. For example, I have a song where the guitar fades out at the end of the chorus as the verse part starts up. I reamped it on my little crate amp, and it worked out OK. I would hate to ask a guy who is offering to do free reamping to do more than two tracks of one song (left and right).
I have a question about reamping. Is it okay to have a rythm DI guitar track that was made from using "free track positioning"? i.e multiple takes on one track. For example, I have a song where the guitar fades out at the end of the chorus as the verse part starts up. I reamped it on my little crate amp, and it worked out OK. I would hate to ask a guy who is offering to do free reamping to do more than two tracks of one song (left and right).

I don't see why not. If you are interested in talking more about your files, feel free to PM me.
Cool. Normaly I would have the chorus guitar parts and verse guitar parts on two seperate tracks, since one sometimes bleeds into the other, but I'm happy with the mix, so one track will do per side (I double track everything)
I would honestly leave them separate if that's how you would usually do it. It will potentially allow for a smoother transition from one part to another.
Still looking for tracks. I also added a couple examples of work that I have done for other forum members to the first post.
Bumping this back up,

Big props to Steve for the great work, his reamps went straight into our new track:

The reamps were done super quick, we discussed various tones and specific amps that would fit the bill (mainly handling the drop W tuning) and Steve came back with three sets of reamps, one of which fit my idea of the mix like a glove. Thanks again man for the awsome attitude!
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Idk if you're still offering the free reamp but I do have some tracks I can't seem to make heavy without making them fizzy. they have more dissonant chords along with bar chords, and open chords. very frustrating. PM me i still dont know how to keep track of where I post on here.