Official Bloodstock Open Air 2009 Thread!


Mar 13, 2008
Sunderland, UK

Hey everyone, just thought i'd make an official thread as i'm working alongside bloodstock to gather some feeback on this years festival and to give you all a heads up on when the next announcements are for 09.

In regards to this years festival we'd be interested to know your opinions on the general running of the festival.
Did you attend this year?
What did you like?
What Didn't you?
What Could be improved?
Who would you like to see at BOA 2009?
Are you planning on attending BOA next year?

All of your suggestions and dissapointments WILL be fedback to the bloodstock organisers by myself.

On with the already known stuff!

Confirmed Acts:

Friday 14

Sabaton (UK Only Exclusive)

Saturday 15
Wintersun (UK only Exclusive)

Tickets for next years festival are available at an early bird price of £85 before they rise in price, once i'm made aware of how much the increase will be i'll let you know in here.

To buy tickets follow the link!

(apologies if this is in the wrong section, i couldn't think of a more appropriate section)

If there is anything else you'd like to know then just gimme a shout and i'll happily answer it for you
