Official buying advice thread

Yeah, some ESPs a little higher up look nice. The Gus-200, the KH-202 and the V-200, maybe. My current guitar has 3 single-coils, but moving on to humbuckers, would you guys recommend active or passive pickups?

I'm leaning towards passive for the relative low-maintenance and the more unique tone that I've read they can bring out, but what do you guys think? From experience?

Also, I've tried a V before, and it was very difficult playing sitting down; I'd imagine this is the case with all Vs?
Your idol, Ihsahn, plays Ibanez exclusively. I've never thought his tone to be paper-thin.

He plays Line 6 as well :p

Ihsahn isn't my idol :p He's DAMN good though. That said, I've never been a fan of his tone.

ive been looking at the mapex M birch. the price is very low and i get more than the PDP. but the price seems TOO low. like i'm getting cheap gear...

list price is way up there though...


They're a great deal because the name Mapex hasn't achieved the same market penetration that Pearl, Yamaha, Tama, Gretsch, etc. have. The shells are pretty high quality.
I play in a brutal death metal band and a thrash band, but i am by no means limited as a guitar player to these tones and styles. I am looking for a good amp head to suit all my personal needs, which include a really warm and articulated clean sound and an insanely brutal low end punchy distortion chug and crunch sound, and again it needs to be an articulated amp so the notes are crystal clear. I've had many recommendations to engls and other boutique amps but its not something i can afford right now. I have narrowed it down personally to my knowledge to The peavey JSX, the Marshall TSL 100 or a mesa dual or triple rectifier.
Can anyone offer any input or personal experience with these amps or any other recommendations? haha anything really... Thanks!

take the peavey jsx. i've tried all of those amps and the jsx kills the compition
cheap 7 strings, in my experience, suck.
But if I was gonna get one, I'd go with a schecter. Haven't tried an agile, though, so I'll defer to Matt's experience.
So, I'm buying a Carvin RL 810. Picking it up next Friday, and I'll post a picture when I clean it up. It's only $250 and has good mids and treble, which are my frequencies. Anyone have an opinion on it?


You play bass, not mids and trebles.


I've never heard whether or not Carvin bass gear is any good. I know their amp heads ( especially the x100b and the Legacy ) are great, their guitar cabinets are solid. Their PA gear is garbage though.

What do you think about SWR gear? My bassist wants to get a Goliath 115 to pair with his 210.
I would look into Mapex.

i did. i bought a pro M SE off ebay today.

i'm waiting for a tama monoply walnut snare auction to end.

cheap 7 strings, in my experience, suck.
But if I was gonna get one, I'd go with a schecter. Haven't tried an agile, though, so I'll defer to Matt's experience.

youre right. cheap 7s do suck. i had an ESP that was terrible, and my jackson isnt much better. the schecters are nice though

So, I'm buying a Carvin RL 810. Picking it up next Friday, and I'll post a picture when I clean it up. It's only $250 and has good mids and treble, which are my frequencies. Anyone have an opinion on it?

your parents hooked you up?


You play bass, not mids and trebles.


I've never heard whether or not Carvin bass gear is any good. I know their amp heads ( especially the x100b and the Legacy ) are great, their guitar cabinets are solid. Their PA gear is garbage though.

What do you think about SWR gear? My bassist wants to get a Goliath 115 to pair with his 210.

i keep telling him his treble is too high. he doesnt listen hahaha

that carvin cab sounds pretty good. we heard it on sunday

and i dont like SWR. the tone is thin with too much treble. also very distorted.

Yeah, well. The guy's putting it on hold for me til Friday (payday), my Dad's cover $160, and I'm paying the other 90.

I can play however I want. You're m guitarist, not my teacher. I cut the treble to frickin 10 o'clock on the 1001-RB, and you're still bitching. Maybe you just don't like the sound of the bass you kept telling me not to trade in.

Other stuff.

Bass frequencies sound more like flatulance than an amplified instrument to me. What happened to the whole "it's an instrument in the hands of an individual" conversation?

I dunno, this preamp I'm getting has that Z-switch and claims that the low-z setting has boosted bass and low mid without sounding boomy or flatulant. I'm getting it so I can have that versatility.

Also, the 8x10 is built as a whole enclosure, not separated into separate 4x10's or 2x10's by plywood. So it gets more low end than, say, an ampeg.