Official buying advice thread

i cant do it, cuz i dont have a soldering iron. but assuming they fit, it would be hella easy. and i think they would fit because they seem like standard soap bars. and i assume youre talking about the basslines with the exposed poles? if you want the huge MM pickup, you would have to rout it.

the GC guys could probably do it real easy though if there is no routing involved. if there is, one of the guitarists from alabaster morgue can do it.
ive been looking alot and im still unsure of what to get. i still like the jackson dkmg but some people here have said not to go with that. although i still have yet to try one. im hoping to head up to guitar center this weekend and check them out. ive also looked through esp but im not a big fan of them. i think their necks are a bit too thick for my liking, although im not totally throwing them out yet. i love the feel of ibanez...alot. but ive heard their pickups arent exactly the greatest, and dishing out an extra $200 for an 81/85 combo doesnt sound like fun. as far as RG models go which would be the best to look into?
ive been looking alot and im still unsure of what to get. i still like the jackson dkmg but some people here have said not to go with that. although i still have yet to try one. im hoping to head up to guitar center this weekend and check them out. ive also looked through esp but im not a big fan of them. i think their necks are a bit too thick for my liking, although im not totally throwing them out yet. i love the feel of ibanez...alot. but ive heard their pickups arent exactly the greatest, and dishing out an extra $200 for an 81/85 combo doesnt sound like fun. as far as RG models go which would be the best to look into?

here's your resolution to the shitty ibanez pickups.
So after I modify my bass, I'm thinking of getting this rig:
Peavey Tour 700 Head
I have personal experience with this head and find that it has the right amount of customization (I like the graphic EQ) for my personal preferences. Also, it seems I would get the most bang for my buck. And I can get it locally, as a guitar store which I live near distributes it.

GK Goldline 810GLX Cabinet:
I'd like to hear more about this cabinet from anyone who has used it. I like a lot of treble, and the Goldline seems ideal for my kind of sound. It seems like it would also be compatible with almost any new amp I could afford in coming years (SVT?).

Suggestions? Comments? Disagreements? Will 700 Watts output work well enough with 800 watts power handling?
don't get the gk cab. they're kinda low quality. look up the vader vc410bk cab. it's not as big but i guarantee it's nearly as loud.

and as for the head... i have no complaints when it comes to peavey. i recommend that :kickass:
a lot of people recommend vader without trying one (not saying that's you, but it happens a lot)

would you guys think a vader 2 x 12 with eminence speakers or a mesa 2 x 12 with v30's for a mesa roadster head?

i have eminence speakers in my cabinet and i love them. v30's are overused and i just don't like their sound, it sounds generic to me
As if a name brand definitely assures your preferred sound? Some people like different brands. EMG's, for example, are disliked by a number of guitarists and bassists for their domineering and predictable sound.

What exactly is a "domineering and predictable sound"? As far as I'm concerned, if EMGs make my tone dominate I'll stand by them!
In a setting in which one is trying to compliment his band members with the sound of his instrument, dominance is an issue. I suppose the situation would differ if all members of the band used higher output pickups.

In addition the predictability factor comes from the view that the 81/85 combo is used in too many instruments and sounds similar in all of them, regardless of what materials are used in the instrument.

On another note, Vader is not a big name for bass enclosures like it is for those of guitars. If you're going to demonstrate name-preference for bass, the common brands to do so with are Ampeg, Eden, Epifani, and Aguilar. Please do some research before demonstrating brand-name pretention.

I got a response from another forum that was very experience-oriented. This happens to be what I was looking to find:

"I own the 4x10 model.

Compared to other aluminum coned cabinets, you still get all of the treble without the harshness associated with hartke and behringer, and other aluminum cones for that matter. (This is due to the treatment of the aluminum i believe).

And, even then you can still get a nice punchy and beefy bass tone out of this cab with limited treble. (It also works quite well with a lot of mids and some added treble, which is my main tone)

I play everything from techdeath, prog rock, and thrash etc., and for the price this cab beats most of the competition. The only downside is that there is no tweeter, though that can be easily replaced with good skills with an eq ;] And do not buy the backline series of heads with this unless your are going to run a sansamp through your chain; they sound weak without one. You are much better off with a higher end GK head or even an Ampeg (GK handles treble better though).

I highly recommend the 4x10 and 2x10 models, just try them out with your rig before you buy one though, it seems GK always puts out a few fluke cabs that like to make a LOT of noise when the treble is turned up; mine is fine, however.

I can form my own elitist opinions, but I try to stay open-minded and hear the views of players who have had experience with a given product. Personally, I've heard more good than bad about Gallien-Krueger. Isn't that the purpose of this thread? Why nix the idea of buying something you've never played?
In a setting in which one is trying to compliment his band members with the sound of his instrument, dominance is an issue. I suppose the situation would differ if all members of the band used higher output pickups.

In addition the predictability factor comes from the view that the 81/85 combo is used in too many instruments and sounds similar in all of them, regardless of what materials are used in the instrument.

You're flat out wrong. First, EMGs aren't any higher output than, say, a Duncan JB, Distortion, or a Dimarzio Super 3, or D-Sonic, and they have considerably less output than the Duncan Invader and the DiMarzio X2N. Second, that EMGs sound the same in every guitar is a myth. If you'd sit down with two different guitars with EMGs, you'd realize that they do sound similar, but its the exact same similarity that you'd expect from two guitars having the same pickups.

In fact, more guitars are put out with the JB/'59 combo than EMG 81/85. Certain pickup combinations appeal to noobs who don't know any better, which is why you see a JB/59 set in a bright guitar ( horrible mistake ), or other similar examples.

I HAVE sat down and compared several different guitars, all with the same EMGs. Two were the same model ( Schecter Hellraiser, all mahogany ), and one was very different ( BC Rich ASM Pro, alder/maple ). The Schecters sounded pretty close, as is to be expected since they're the same guitar, but there was a difference. The ASM Pro sounded completely different. All through the same amp with the same settings.

I can form my own elitist opinions, but I try to stay open-minded and hear the views of players who have had experience with a given product. Personally, I've heard more good than bad about Gallien-Krueger. Isn't that the purpose of this thread? Why nix the idea of buying something you've never played?

Agreed, but you have to put advice in context. In another music forum, everyone puts their gear in their signature. It's very helpful to know what people are talking about. Someone asked a question about Epiphone vs Gibson, and whether there was a big difference. Everyone said YES OF COURSE YOU RETARD, except one or two people who clamored and fought saying that Epiphones were the exact same guitars. Those brave outnumbered souls said that everyone else was brainwashed by high price tags.

Who do you believe? Well, the Gibson people had generally nice gear, and the two Epiphone propenents had garbage ( Behringer VAMPYRE was one, can't remember the other ). Of course you won't hear the difference of a Gibson and Epiphone through that...

Unfortunately, I doubt there are many people here who really know whats going on as far as gear is concerned, and thats evidenced by all the noob questions and more shockingly the noob answers.