Official Morgion - Solinari appreciation thread


May 22, 2003
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So I was digging through my old cds to see if I could find anything that I didn't care for anymore that I could trade/sell, and I came across my copy of Solinari by the former doomsters. I thought maybe I would sell or trade it since I haven't been much into doom in a while, so I put the album on (for the first time in a couple years at least) to make sure the CD itself was still in good condition. Man, am I glad I did. I was quickly reminded that I would be both gay and retarded if I let this album go. Solinari fuckin crushes.
I love doom, but find this one to be boring. Totally boring... and I tried countless times. I did like some songs from their latest though.
And put my recorded anguished screams in the background, maybe that will make Solinari any interesting :p