Official Playoff Hockey Thread

Luongo is a headcase. Score a few quick goals on him and he gets flustered and loses confidence. He's officially SHOOK. As is the rest of them spineless fucking cowards. Thorton brought back the grit. SO did the old man Recchi. They like talking shit and being dirty but when someone punches them in the mouth, they turn into cowards. Fuck them. After that Horton hit I wanted to drive to TD Garden and start fucking up Canucks as they go to their bus.

My boy threatened to beat his wife just for being Canadien.
Clean? Late + Leaving his feet = clean? Not to mention you see his elbow following through which is another indication of intent. C'mon man, he knew what he was doing. Obviously didnt mean to concuss him but he damn well knew what he was doing.

And yeah, he shoulda kept his head up but that's moot.
Game 7, oh snap

You know, I don't think I've watched a second of the NHL since the Hurricanes won it 5 years ago. Maybe I'll turn this on, if I remember to...........
Vancouver IS lame. Typical frontrunner bully. Talk all that shit when they are up but turtle and cower when getting it put to em and in a hostile environment. An dont even get me started on that shit-talking, choke-artist, mental patient Roberto Lebrongo.

You see Marchand jab one of the Sedin sisters 6 times in the face and he just took it? :lol: Bunch of dirty, flopping, spineless cowards....especially when it is actually brought to them in a physical way. Heartless.

Been a weird series. Almost like 2 different series. The Bruins are playing to cautious and defensive-minded when at Vancouver. 3 games by one goal and we could have easily had any of them games. So frustrating.

Fuck Vancouver. The B's win when their backs are against the wall. If they score first in Game 7, it's a wrap.
LeBrongo hahahahahahahahahhaaHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA best nickname ever. Did you come up with that?
He *had* to be embarassed to be pulled in the middle of the game after making his comments.
Tbh, I've never thought much of LeBrongo. I just never understood the hype. To be fair, I have yet to understand the hype surrounding Thomas either but I don't dislike him like I do Roberto.
I heard it somewhere this AM on sports radio. It's fitting. He was pulled just after 8:00 in the 1st period. 3 goals on 8 shots I believe.

What is there not to understand on Thomas though? The guy is a fucking beast. He beat Hasek's season save% record this year and has just been playing out of his mind in the playoffs, especially this final series against Vancouver. He probably would have won the VEsina 3 straight seasons if he wasnt hurt last year. To top it off, he's one helluva classy dude.
As a Canuck fan, I'm getting too old for this shit. Luongo might have actually caused me to age a few years this playoff series, and Boston has always been a physical team, something that the Canucks hadn't dealt with since Chicago.
My nuts have been in my stomach since Monday night.

My nut*

I'll be rooting for the Bruins. Luongo isn't as good as people say.

The only thing that holds me back is that Canucks fan that showed her tits to the entire two nations. That was ace.

I knew that was gonna happen. I stand corrected.
