Official Playoff Hockey Thread

I haven't actually watched any playoff hockey this season. This was the first time since 96 that the Devils missed and I just haven't been interested. I remember when Luongo was in Florida everyone though if you put him on a good team it was be a guaranteed championship. It's pretty amazing how great and terrible he's been in this series so far. I guess I'm rooting for Boston to win it tonight since Claude Julien was fired near the end of the season and never got a shot at the playoffs when with the Devils :lol:
CANADA??? ...

yea, i saw that too. theres no way that can be real.

all these fucking morons are posting and bragging on facebook about the shit they did in the riot. with their pics posted on their profiles plain as day, they are all going down with harsh penalties. how fucking stupid can u be? one for doing it in the first place, and two for bragging about it on facebook? aye yiyi

Brett Jones of Perth, who told the Toronto Star he is Scott Jones' father, said the picture is legitimate but is not what it seems.
"She had actually been injured," Brett Jones told the Star. A riot police officer had knocked her down with a shield, he said. "He lay down next to her to comfort her. She was crying, and he just kissed her to calm her down."
Rich Lam, the Getty Images photographer who captured the image, wasn't sure what was happening.
