Official RC Shirt Pre-Order

I haven't received my shirt, but a the mail system at my apartment complex sucks ass. I'll check again today.
Next time do a perfectly centered front-facing owl.


K, I'll hold off, or just pm me your Chicago address.

Update - The last batch of shirts have yet to be shipped out. Ive just been too busy at work, and cant be arsed. Expect them at your door in a week.
So I never got my shirt in Austin. I'll be back in chicago in a few days. I told the people to send the back pack to you, so hopefully it comes.
Truth be told, I may have never sent it to begin with. :lol:

Don't know if I did, or I didn't. Send me your Shitcago address bro, and you'll be draped in royal cloth soon enough.

Update - The last batch of shirts have yet to be shipped out. Ive just been too busy at work, and cant be arsed. Expect them at your door in a week.

Also, I have yet to ship these out, will probably pack them tonight and ship Monday. Just been too busy my friends. Please forgive this dear soul. :blush:
As long as it doesn't turn into another Hell Mike still owing me money or cds or something situation - I'd like to think there are SOME stand-up kinda people on this board.