Official RC Snobby Beer Purchases Thread

No, but I have had their Boont Amber and I believe a porter of some sort from Anderson. EXCELLENT brewer.
Anderson Valley is a good brewer indeed. Their IPA is quite good, the ESB is good for an ESB I guess, and their oatmeal stout is VERY good. Havent had the others.

That Heather Ale isnt too bad either. They make a Pine Ale too which I had a fe wmonths back which was EEEIIIRRWWDDSSSSsss ....It tasted like a pine tree.

EDIT: Anderson Valley also has the art of building a TERRIFIC head in their beers. Very full, frothy heads that leave great lining down the glass while drinking. Hats off.

Time for the Rochefort Trappist 8 ...WOWOOWOOWOWTTTTTT~~~~~!1111
Oh I forgot tot mention!!!!!

I had a Dogfish Head World Wide Stout a week and a half ago at this fancy restaurant that has all these kickass beers!!! It usually goes for like 8 bucks per 12 oz bottle but at the restaurant for some WEIRD reason (im not complaining) it was only like $3.49 or $3.99!!! This beer is 18-20% !!! Imperial of the highest orders. It was dark as the pits of fucking motor oil being drained from a truck after 15,000 miles. Very rich, with little to no head. Aroma and tastes of plum, raisins, soy, you name it. It was like a fucking Stout Wine! Can't say I would have one very often but for 1/2 price I just HAD to do it. Next is the 120-minute IPA if I can just pull myself to spend 8 buck for one small bottle. The 90 minute is already the greatets damn beer on thsi planet though and based on review the 90 is better anyhow and the 120 is just overkill. But I have to try just to say that I did. :)
Flying Dog Amber :kickass:

Guinness is Guinness, I don't even put it in the same category as other stouts because it's too unique.
Dead_Lioness said:
DogfishHead is awesome, but the best stout out there is made
by Guinness (IMO)

Have you tried Flying Dog ?

Flying Dog is okay. Their packaging rules though. :loco:

Maybe the best straight, run of the mill, stout is Guiness, but it cant hold a match to Sam Smith Oatmeal Stout or a number of Imperial Stouts.
Erik said:
fuckin :lol:

are you drunk already

no, but im buzzed. :)

EDIT: after a couple 90 minute IPA's that'll all be changed though. :kickass:

NP: Pentagram - Days of Reckoning gets no fucking better than this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :kickass:
Doomcifer said:
Extra Stout blah blah.....thats marketing...Its a STOUT. :)
yeah but there are two distinct versions, draught & extra stout

i can't remember which one i like better! i THINK it's extra stout! the other one isn't anything special at all
Doomcifer said:
Extra Stout blah blah.....thats marketing...Its a STOUT. :)

not true... they were making an extra stout beer to import over seas
and it had more flavour, it was thicker, and was more carbonated.
Thats why you have the Extra Stout of today.

the "white necks" are lame as fuck. pardon my french.
Go to Ireland and taste the real Guinness...
its nothing like thsoe white necks...
its like Saying Heiniken in the states is the same as in the Netherlands.

and yeah... I'll post a picture of my Flying Dog framed lables tomorrow
when I'll be less drunk :P
I need to drive across country still...

Well, this summer will be close, I think I'll be driving about 3,000 miles total. Although mostly north. Oh well, woo!
The Draught is kinda meh. Its just weird.

The stout is definitely WAAAAAY better on tap than in the bottle.

Karen, it makes much sense that it is A LOT fucking better in Ireland. I'm just basing all this on the stuff I buy. I need to get me some Ireland born Guinness I guess eh? The shit we drink here, since Guinness has become pretty popular, is prob manufactued here in the states. I havent looked into it really.

As far as the whole "extra stout"'s still just a stout in my mind. An "extra stout" is a godamn Imperial. :)