Official RTE. 666 Tour '06 Thread!

Its 4:15 in the morning, and I'm still hyped from the awesome show I just saw! The Maidens put on one hell of a show here in san antonio. they came on at around 11:50, and they tore it up, Aja has such an amazing voice, all the girls were great. they started with "Be Quick Or Be Dead" along with "The Trooper" "infinite Dreams" Aja had the whole crowd singing to "Fear Of The Dark" the setlist consisted of 16 songs, and the crowd loved every minute of it. After their set they signed autographs at the merch booth, they chatted with everyone, then once the crowd was gone, we did our interview with the entire band. the girls were so funny, making faces for the videocamera,LOL. what a great night, we told Aja, that the next time they come through San Antonio, we were going to take them to one of our crew members mexican restaurant for dinner. she loved the idea, especially Mark,LOL
so before I end this, I would like to thank Aja, Sara, Linda, Wanda, and Liz for a great interview, and an awesome performance.
Another sellout perhaps?

I love the way they do FOTD! That HAS to be on the next CD.:kickass:

I wish I could come out there from the East Coast. (I am a midwest transplant...Kansas City REPRESENTS!!!!)

Post those pics and videos...(with permission, of course)...(sign of the cross...RIAA stay away)...for those of us who can't be there...(I have my Autographed MaidenS pic and picks and sticks next to my autographed KC Royals baseballs)..It's all good!.....

Greetings ladies.

Kenn from Counter Measure here.

We are supporting you on your
April 22nd date at The Circuit
in SLC along with Shred Bettie.

Just wanted to drop a line to
tell you how excited we are
to hear/see you awsome babes.

We are honored and privilidged to
make your aquaintance and want
to thank TJ for asking us to be a part
of the Route 666 tour!

Up the Bloody efing Irons!

Cheers :kickass:
It looks like I may not be able to make the Phx show tonight, rats! If anyone can get ahold of one of the girls or Mark to let them know Arizona Mike might not be there, that'd be great. Tell them I'll try to make the Vegas show on Tuesday... thanks
Whats up Maidens! DK from Kraised here sayin what a cool show it was friday night at Cooperstown in Phoenix! Even tho it was windy as hell, we all managed to put on a great show for the crowd!

" We always headline our shows... sometimes other bands just play after us."

What an awesome statement. Rock on Maidens and see you next time!
Awesome show again ladies!! :kickass: All of the bands there kicked some major ass!! I was a Dumas and stood right in front of the PA speakers for about half of the show and eventually my ears started bleeding, so I had to move to the side of the stage.... :rock: Afterwards, the line was so long and it was after 2:30 so I tried to say goodnite and drove 30 miles home. I didn't even get to ask Liz if she got her new ink yet! :lol:

I'm glad the tour has been going well and hope you kick ass on the remaining stops. Hope to see you again soon! Hasta la Pasta!
DKraised said:
Whats up Maidens! DK from Kraised here sayin what a cool show it was friday night at Cooperstown in Phoenix! Even tho it was windy as hell, we all managed to put on a great show for the crowd!

" We always headline our shows... sometimes other bands just play after us."

What an awesome statement. Rock on Maidens and see you next time!

Now that's a Dickinson-esque statement if ever I heard one!!! :rock:
To All of The Iron Maidens: Thanks again for a great show. You truly are a one-of–a-kind tribute. It was a real treat to hear Rime of the Ancient Mariner Live!! Some people behind me were curious if it was a different song? I gladly explained the 13 minute opus was from Iron Maidens catalog of great songs and you were playing it in its entirety! Wasted Years, Killers and my favorite Infinite Dreams were also really great to hear Live. I never heard Aja sing Infinite before and it really added a new dimension to how it sounded. Fear of the Dark was incredible and as mentioned earlier should definetely be on the next cd. Aja, your vocals really soared above the crowd on FOTD. I thought overall the sound was excellent. I was up in the elevated patio area and really had a good unobstructed view of the show too.

Later I had my seat saved and went down to the stage. I saw Paul (Bichmaker) getting his ears blasted near the PA and said hello. I just wanted to get a close-up look at the band. I was originally referred to your tribute last year by my brother who loves your shows and has enjoyed them all. I saw you gals last year in Lake Forest CA and in Tarzana CA at Paladinos, but the sound at Alice Cooperstown was even better here.

Thank You for an entertaining evening of great music. It was nice to see a tribute band actually mention their mentors and thank Iron Maiden as well. You are definitely professionals with great attitudes. It was nice to see you all again after the show as well. I told my bro (Noeffenicks) that he missed a great one! In particular, Wanda’s playing was immaculate, the band was very tight. I asked Linda afterward if Nicko gave her some pointers because the percussion sounded exactly like him!

It was the first time I saw Elizabeth play and she nailed the solos. Aja, you had the crowd in the palm of your hand. You possess great rapport with your fans. And nice abs by the Also Sara was on fire with that Killers guitar! I also enjoyed seeing the Ozzy tribute band Crazy Train. They did a great job and all in all it was refreshing to see great musicians play some of my favorite tunes. I just wanted to shout out thanks to everyone and have a great rest of your Route 666 Tour! I look forward to seeing you all again as well as seeing Iron Maiden in Europe 06!
It was a real treat to hear Rime of the Ancient Mariner Live!!

:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

Please, please, please, play that in May at Irvine or San Diego.

Jim *shamlessly begging*:worship:

Fear of the Dark was incredible and as mentioned earlier should definetely be on the next cd. Aja, your vocals really soared above the crowd on FOTD.

Told y'all. The Maidens tear FOTD up! :rock: :rock: :kickass:
Thanks everybody for coming out and making our trips through TX, AZ, NV & UT such an incredible experience!! :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:

We had such an amazing time meeting new friends and seeing a few old friends, too!

Everyone was so kind and happy to hear some Maiden played live and we were just as happy to play it for them.

But it's nice to be out of "The Iron Maiden" (aka the van! :lol: ) and in our own beds again - at least for a little while.....