New Metal Member
Its 4:15 in the morning, and I'm still hyped from the awesome show I just saw! The Maidens put on one hell of a show here in san antonio. they came on at around 11:50, and they tore it up, Aja has such an amazing voice, all the girls were great. they started with "Be Quick Or Be Dead" along with "The Trooper" "infinite Dreams" Aja had the whole crowd singing to "Fear Of The Dark" the setlist consisted of 16 songs, and the crowd loved every minute of it. After their set they signed autographs at the merch booth, they chatted with everyone, then once the crowd was gone, we did our interview with the entire band. the girls were so funny, making faces for the videocamera,LOL. what a great night, we told Aja, that the next time they come through San Antonio, we were going to take them to one of our crew members mexican restaurant for dinner. she loved the idea, especially Mark,LOL
so before I end this, I would like to thank Aja, Sara, Linda, Wanda, and Liz for a great interview, and an awesome performance.
so before I end this, I would like to thank Aja, Sara, Linda, Wanda, and Liz for a great interview, and an awesome performance.