Official Set Times

Chris Lotesto

Uncle Fester
Aug 6, 2004
Thursday, May 1st
doors 5pm

ENSIFERUM ............10:00 - close
TURISAS ..................9:00 - 9:40
TYR .........................8:10 - 8:40
ELUVEITIE................7:20 - 7:50
EARTHEN............. ....6:30 - 7:00

Friday, May 2nd
doors 5:30pm

ICED EARTH.............10:30 - close (90+)
A LIFE ONCE LOST......9:20 - 10:05
EPICUREAN................8:20 - 9:00
ION VEIN...................7:25 - 8:00
ARISE & RUIN.............6:30 - 7:05

Saturday, May 3rd
doors 5pm

TESTAMENT..............10:30 - close (90+)
DARKANE...................9:20 - 10:05
SUIDAKRA..................8:15 - 9:00
AUTUMN OFFERING.....7:20 - 7:55
TWELFTH GATE...........6:25 - 7:00
CHAOSWAVE..............5:30 - 6:05
Sweet!!! I am very happy that IE is not starting until 10:30 on Friday....
(Critical workday for us accountants, being the beginning of the month... was possibly in jeapardy of missing some of their set).

I am happy to be able to catch more of the show than I originally thought I was going to be able to.
Thursday, May 1st
doors 6pm

ENSIFERUM ............10:30 - close
TURISAS ..................9:30 - 10:10
TYR .........................8:40 - 9:10
ELUVEITIE................7:50 - 8:20
Local .......................7:00 - 7:30

I wasn't aware there was a local......
Has a band been booked already?
When might this be announced?
:lol: Hypercane! :lol:

I probably couldn't make the set anyhow, due to work.
Also, John's PC just fried, so me thinks there ain't no vox... :lol:

Seriously though, with the gig being less than a month away, I think the local should be announced. You never know, it could possibly bring in some folks who might be on the fence, esp if it is a non-viking/pagan type of band.
GateXII you suck.. Those set times are just plain stupid. How dare you. You call yourself a promoter? lol.. Just giving you crap.

You are awesome. They look amazing. Take care. btw. email sent.

Cool, BSG airs at 9pm CST on friday as far as I know, so that works out perfectly for Iced Earth.

That is, if the fucking super 8 gets the SciFi channel. I better call and ask.
This is so fucking awesome. I've been wanting to see LOCAL for a long damn time!!!!!!!!

I wish I would have known. I would have sponsored them.