Official Set Times

Fuck Tivo... I already spend enough on the cable at the moment (50 bucks a month from Comcast, not to mention the fucking internet hits it up to near 100).

Regardless, when I miss good TV eps, they tend to get spoiled for me before I get the chance to see them. Fucking hate having stuff spoiled, so I try to watch them as soon as they air, if not before they air in my time zone, thanks to the wonderful world of bittorrent. :kickass:
fuck sci fi. They canceld the Dresden Files when it had ratings higher than BSG.

concerning the concert, just buy the dang DVDs, not to mention there are re-runs for a reason.
your putting down this much money just only see so much of it willingly?
Cool, unfortunately, I can't make it Thursday, though I am still very curious..

Hrmm.. perfect fit for the night??????

Any hints? Local? Midwest? Euro? Scandinavian? Puppet show?