Oh, bacon. Is there anything you can't do?


Eyes Wide Open
Nov 15, 2001
Bay Area, California
Pork better for sex than Viagra?

Thu Jan 28, 12:45 pm ET

BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) – Argentina's president recommended pork as an alternative to Viagra Wednesday, saying she spent a satisfying weekend with her husband after eating barbecued pork.

"I've just been told something I didn't know; that eating pork improves your sex life ... I'd say it's a lot nicer to eat a bit of grilled pork than take Viagra," President Cristina Fernandez said to leaders of the pig farming industry.

She said she recently ate pork and "things went very well that weekend, so it could well be true."

Argentines are the world's biggest per capita consumers of beef, but the government has sought to promote pork as an alternative in recent years due to rising steak prices and as a way to diversify the meat industry.
"Trying it doesn't cost anything, so let's give it a go," Fernandez said in the televised speech.

(Reporting by Karina Grazina; Writing by Helen Popper)

Wow, before I actually read the post I had already formed my answer to the title, which is that it can't arouse Karen :p
Speaking of bacon, I had some the other day with my breakfast with my co-workers, was yummy.

That's not very enthusiastic. Getting closer, though!

BACON!!!!!! I totally got bacon on my Five Guys burger. I ordered it with BBQ sauce which they left out, but the bacon made up for that slight misstep.
That's what I asked him! He said no, that he was trying to limit his meat eating. :(

Morningstar veggie bacon rocks. It tastes like the fatty (or "wormy" as I used to say as a child) parts of bacon, and if cooked right is just pleasantly crisp. One day I shall make a bacon sammich with both real bacon and Morninstar veggie bacon. It will be epic.