Oh, bacon. Is there anything you can't do?

A few years ago, I spent three days experimenting on myself with Fruitarianism.

It was great!

I felt light, full of energy, slept little (but very well), and after my volcanic bowel movement, I resumed my regular diet.


"Pescetarian", "Flexitarian", "Fruitarianism"... all these terms sound more like religions than dietary preferences.
Yeah really.... Like I said.. why label yourself when it comes to food anyways... just what you like, whenever you like, end of story. (hopefully, one also makes the right health choices)

as for sea food/ fish I'm with Derick... They are darn cute and oh so yummy <3
I don't know, I thought it was fairly juicy. (it's getting worse).

As for the labels, it's just nomenclature, none of it means anything essentially, only people give it meaning, ergo the labels are flexible.

It's a personal thing to decide what to eat. I'm pretty glad I stopped eating meat, and I wish more people would try it, but I'm not sure being high and mighty would help.

But it might.

Give up meat your fucking automatons.
Yeah, everything inside of the fuck tunnel can be sucked out through the suck funnel attached to the end of the fuck tunnel.

Like when you get to the end of an Otter Pop and all that's left is the juice.