Oh dear,wrong advertising again !

Did anything ever happen about this -- I thought they would back down quite quickly given how the previous court cases have gone, but the logo is STILL there.

Furthermore, look at how ents24 are advertising tickets for the gig: http://www.ents24.com/web/festival.html?venueid=31835

They even have a promo picture of our boys and state that "'Saxon' features original members vocalist Biff Byford and guitarist Paul Quinn".

The shame of all this is that I'd quite like to see Tygers of Pan Tang live, but I wouldn't touch this event with a bargepole as it stands. I'd have no prob going to an event at which OD were playing but at least the fest should advertise this fact!
Know what, I am sure this type of mis-advertising is beacuse of misunderstanding of some promoter(s)/advertisers somewhere. This type of promotion would certainly not be endorsed by O-D Saxon. They have ALWAYS maintained they want to be clear about who is playing, and they themselves do not approve of such misleading advertising.
Well, to be honest that could be perfectly true, maybe they personally would prefer to advertise under their own name but the promoters of the events at which they play think that just "Saxon" will pull more people in and so act against their wishes. But if that IS the case they really need to start putting their foot down as much as possible and stopping the people they work with from doing this.

OD Saxon do look increasingly like con-artists at the moment. It may or may not be actually their fault but its still their name that's going to suffer if this kind of stuff continues. I just hope that the name of the official Saxon doesn't suffer as well because of this.
Yeah well said.Thing is if they don't want to be mistaken for the real Saxon then maybe they should change thier fucking name.When they played as Son Of A Bitch there was no mix ups of who was who.This starting to get boring we are going over old (killing) ground.It must piss of all parties concerned no end.
WILKS said:
Yeah well said.Thing is if they don't want to be mistaken for the real Saxon then maybe they should change thier fucking name.When they played as Son Of A Bitch there was no mix ups of who was who.This starting to get boring we are going over old (killing) ground.It must piss of all parties concerned no end.
Spot on Wilks, and well said !!
Apologies for the mistake, guys. The info we publish on the site is only as good as we get from the promoters and venues, and in this case the publicity material we received said "Saxon" rather than OD Saxon.

I guess this was a genuine error somewhere along the line rather than anyone trying to mislead punters. Have to agree with Wilks that having two bands with a very similar name is bound to lead to confusion.

We're very keen to make sure our information is always accurate, so if you do spot any problems in future, please do drop us an email.

Hope you enjoy the Astoria gig, anyway!

Well I would say thats a small-scale Result... thanks ents24!

Unfortunately, the Celtic Warriors themselves don't seem keen to update their web listing. I sent an email to their enquiries address -- admin@celticwarriors.org -- asking them to clarify which band was playing and generally being "confused" by the situation. I have so far had no reply and their website remains unaltered.

FURTHER, it p*ssed me off no end when I went to Rock City last night and a mate of mine (who's into nu-metal stuff but knows I like Saxon and similar classic bands, he usually takes the mickey a bit) told me how someone he knew was going to see Saxon at a festival this year.

I asked him if the festival was in this country, and it was. Hence I tried to explain the situation and told him to tell his mate. I don't reckon the bloke was really going to see Saxon anyway so it probably won't dissuade him from going, I just didn't want him coming back and telling me his mate said Saxon were crap when he'd actually seen OD! I'm guessing this is the same festival we're talking about here unless OD are playing any others this year.
Yeah I agree they need a different name, definitely. Son Of a Bitch is a crud name though, they need something completely new. They also need some completely new songs ... given they've been around for quite a few years now the fact that (I think) only 4 songs have been penned under the O/D Saxon name is a bit shocking. And even one of those was a revamped Wheels of Steel called 'Raeder aus Stahl' (or something similar... translate back from German and see what you get!).

With a new name and some new songs, they could do live shows as a combination of their own new stuff and some old Saxon songs. This is basically what Blaze does, includes a couple of old IM and Wolfsbane songs but also plenty of his own, and I'd be prepared to support them if they did that. The one new OD song I have actually heard, 'One More for the Road', was actually a fair enough song musically although the lyrics were rather juvenile.

But at the moment I wouldn't go and see them or give their releases the time of day. I bought their DVD out of curiosity and that was mistake enough.