Oh jeeze...


Mar 2, 2005

Call it the news that Comic-Con thankfully drowned out, but we're stunned to discover the rumor that Hannah Montana herself, Miley Cyrus, could play Batgirl in Chris Nolan's follow-up to The Dark Knight. It can't be true... right?

On the face of it, it's so ridiculous that there's no chance that it could be true, especially when you trace it back to a story that claims that Cyrus dressed in a Batgirl costume to impress Warner Bros. execs recently. Wasn't that exactly what Sean Young did with Catwoman for Batman Returns, after all?

But there's something so ridiculous about it that we can't help but feel a little scared. After all, even if Warners isn't secretly hoping that Nolan will make the next Batman movie a little more family-friendly, who's to say that Nolan - a man who has cast both Katie Holmes and Scarlett Johansson in his movies, remember - wouldn't think that there's some bizarro artistic value in taking kid star Cyrus and casting her against type in a dark epic about the nature of darkness in heroic evolution as personified by a man dressed as a giant bat...?

Or, to put it another way: Alicia Silverstone didn't end up in Batman and Robin by herself.
who cares, the Dark Knight set the bar, none of the movies will be able to reach it
has anyone ever seen the original adam west batman movies of the 1960's? It was pastime comical bullshit, and it was awesome, and I have no idea why or how it evolved to all of this dark pseudo psychological mindfuck that everyone likes. Ditch this shit already, it was good with tim burton and jack nicholson and that's it. Comic book film adaptation have raped western society of its dignity and wallets for the past 20 years already, I think that this is the real reason why we have an entire populous of pissed off muslim extremists wanting to wish and deliver death upon us all. Warner Bros. should get an awesome-o 4000 and get some real shit done. This is just a testament to hollywood's ineptitude of being able to come up with fresh and decent movie ideas. As a jew myself, I am simply awestruck at the sheer rapage factor going on for how much revenue these bullshit films keep on grossing. Can people go buy some alcohol or pot and make some fucking music or at least get into some hippie drum circle and fuck, or just flush your money down the toilet, film it, and watch that on loop for 2 and a half hours. Seriously, movies today fucking suck. Special effects are no longer special, and you can't even enjoy a perfectly well shot scene in a blockbuster movie without some completely irrelevant product placement being proudly shoved down your throat. Alright that's it, ranting's done for the day.
Katie Holmes should NOT have been cast in these movies. True.
has anyone ever seen the original adam west batman movies of the 1960's? It was pastime comical bullshit, and it was awesome, and I have no idea why or how it evolved to all of this dark pseudo psychological mindfuck that everyone likes. Ditch this shit already, it was good with tim burton and jack nicholson and that's it. Comic book film adaptation have raped western society of its dignity and wallets for the past 20 years already, I think that this is the real reason why we have an entire populous of pissed off muslim extremists wanting to wish and deliver death upon us all. Warner Bros. should get an awesome-o 4000 and get some real shit done. This is just a testament to hollywood's ineptitude of being able to come up with fresh and decent movie ideas. As a jew myself, I am simply awestruck at the sheer rapage factor going on for how much revenue these bullshit films keep on grossing. Can people go buy some alcohol or pot and make some fucking music or at least get into some hippie drum circle and fuck, or just flush your money down the toilet, film it, and watch that on loop for 2 and a half hours. Seriously, movies today fucking suck. Special effects are no longer special, and you can't even enjoy a perfectly well shot scene in a blockbuster movie without some completely irrelevant product placement being proudly shoved down your throat. Alright that's it, ranting's done for the day.
Hey here's an idea.... don't go see it! Besides, the movie theater might get bombed by angry terrorists!
Yeah, calling bullshit on this one. Both Nolan and Bale have gone on record saying they wouldn't make a movie with Robin, so why would they make one with Batgirl?
Be Kind Please Rewind is absolutely hilarious when you're baked.

Smoked last night and watched it for the first time...I dunno if it's that funny when you're clean but when you're high it's absolutely hilarious, especially the part where they do the negative scenes and tape photocopied faces of themselves to make it look like it was nighttime.

I was not breathing.

On topic, The Joker made the last Batman movie...that performance stood up Bale. The first Batman movie was the best, imo.
The first Batman wasn't even a good film by Tim Burton film standards. Nicholson's joker was as hackneyed and over the top as a 60's batman villain. All of the films so far are guilty of the same basic Hollywood conceit; a hero must have a leading lady. The story is fundamentally about isolation, and the things that are wrong inside the man that make him so good at being the bat. Adding in a love interest is extremely out of character for the tone of the comic series.
The first Batman wasn't even a good film by Tim Burton film standards. Nicholson's joker was as hackneyed and over the top as a 60's batman villain. All of the films so far are guilty of the same basic Hollywood conceit; a hero must have a leading lady. The story is fundamentally about isolation, and the things that are wrong inside the man that make him so good at being the bat. Adding in a love interest is extremely out of character for the tone of the comic series.

Good point, but I never gave a shit about comics, other than really old ones from the 60's that my family passed down to me. Whether it's out of tone of the comic series is completely moot for me.

Yes, the love thing was the only thing I didn't care for, this Vicky Vale character. Other than that, Keaton >>>>>>>>>>> Bale.

As dark as TDK was, I still find the first Batman to be much bleaker. No, I'm not talking about Batman Begins. I'm talking about BATMAN.

I think The Dark Knight was so popular because it had a multitude of characters done really well, that being The Joker and Two-Face. Again, without The Joker's performance, I don't think it would've stood up. I think I just have a fault with Batman's performance. However, I really liked how they wove the story into the last two films...they're great movies, don't get me wrong. I just wasn't one of the thousands of people fellating each other in the theater over how awesome they thought it was.

I've seen it once, and that's it. I think I've seen the first Batman at least 30 times. I went several times in the same week of the premiere back in '89 when I was a kid.
Yes the first Batman movie is great. It may not be really very "Batman" at all, but then that's something that I have no interest in caring about. Also full of classic lines, YOU WANNA GET NUTS? C'MON, LETS GET NUTS! Let's see Bale top that Bruce Wayne intensity! ha ha ha

Also the second Burton movie is also great. Even though as a movie overall it is less memorable than the previous, it is stylish and has great characters, like WALKEN and DEVITO and a bunch of cute penguins. Catwoman ruins the movie for me though, I find her annoying.