oh jesus! what a gaffe!

Oct 29, 2001
i just made a terrible gaffe!

i've been doing a research for university. me and my friend contacted a company asking a couple of questions, but who answered the phone said the marketing manager wasn't there, so she assured us they would have replied if we had written a mail.
and so we did, we sent this mail and waited, and waited. after three days, we had to avoid to talk about that company in our work.
the other night i sent my part of the work to this friend of mine and, 'cause i'm silly, i'm titled the mail "people at <insert here the name of the company> broke my balls".
you'll never believe it, i sent that mail to the company!!!! (their address had remained memorized in my address bar, and it began with the same letter of my friend's address so i picked it up by mistake).
well, this morning they replied (thus proving they read the mails, the nice people) saying they didn't understand who my mail was for, and asking to be more precise.

jesus, that's among my top ten.

your blunders? c'mon, i'm sure i'm not the only one to do stupid things... ;)
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One of my biggest "minor" mistakes. (The biggest one was that I was born.):

I had sent a short message by mistake to one person in the world who should not have read the message and the news. Eventually he told the news to someone else and the mess was ready...
It was my fault and something that I have done before. Don't want to explain more 'cause it's so embarassing.
mourningstar said:
i just made a terrible gaffe!

i've been doing a research for university. me and my friend contacted a company asking a couple of questions, but who answered the phone said the marketing manager wasn't there, so she assured us they would have replied if we had written a mail.
and so we did, we sent this mail and waited, and waited. after three days, we had to avoid to talk about that company in our work.
the other night i sent my part of the work to this friend of mine and, 'cause i'm silly, i'm titled the mail "people at <insert here the name of the company> broke my balls".
you'll never believe it, i sent that mail to the company!!!! (their address had remained memorized in my address bar, and it began with the same letter of my friend's address so i picked it up by mistake).
well, this morning they replied (thus proving they read the mails, the nice people) saying they didn't understand who my mail was for, and asking to be more precise.

jesus, that's among my top ten.
:lol: :lol: Now that's quality. :p

I can't think of any of mine at the moment, certainly not on that scale. I once told my gran to "fuck off" - I was reasonably young at the time and she was tickling me, and I wanted it to stop... but I momentarily forgot who I was talking to, and the f word just slipped out. :s She wasn't best pleased, but still didn't have a real go at me. And she did stop tickling me. ;)

I'm also assuming that everyone has, at some point in their life, called one of their females teachers "mum" by mistake in front of the whole class. :erk:
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ok, here's another pearl from my long career:

i was really young, 7 y-o or something, and i was skiing; i met this little girl and i decided to ski with her. everytime we came down, i saw this man who kept staring at us, and i was quite bothered by the fact, since i didn't know yet that he had a good reason to keep an eye on us.
so, when he does it for the umpteenth time, i stop my friend and i tell her: "see that man? he keeps staring at us with that stupid face!"; when the girl replied "well, he's my father" i wanted to dig a hole in the snow, go in and ask her to cover me...

i could write a book, last month i made three gaffes in one week only :lol:
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:lol: :lol: Actually, the Nottingham accent is supposed to be quite neutral, which is why there are a lot of call-centres around here. :D Now if only I had a local dialect too... ;)

*thinks he got away with the "nesh pansy" comment* :eek:

I was with some friends, and we did a prank call (slightly obscene - something about anal sex...) to another friend's parents, and they traced it....So they stormed round in the car and we got yelled at, and the phone was taken from us.....That was quite silly, really....Heh....
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"Nesh" is one of your average Yorkshire words used to describe you damn southerners (;)). It's meaning is something similar to pansy, but used more adjectively (I think I just made "adjectively" up :p).

And I apologise about the whole "pansy" thing... but stealing other people's stereotypings can be so fun. :Spin: :p
Rusty said:
:lol: :lol: Actually, the Nottingham accent is supposed to be quite neutral, which is why there are a lot of call-centres around here. :D
here in italy we have loads of call centers in the south, but i wouldn't say that's "neutral". sometimes i hardly understand what they're saying, i'd need a translator.
Rusty said:
*thinks he got away with the "nesh pansy" comment* !!!:eek:
i swear i'm innocent!!!! :p

@lee: i might be clumsy, but i never go around with a branch in my hair without noticing it... :rolleyes:

*conrad knight socks* [/alan partridge voice]
I started saying how idiotic a teacher was and making fun of him and when I turned around he was at the classroom door waiting for us to go inside.
But he found funny what I said
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mmmh, what manuel just said reminded me to another sort of gaffe i made when i attended to liceo, 4 or 5 years ago.

my philosophy teacher supported inter, one of the two football teams we have here in milan, while i slightly support the other one, milan a.c.
one day, since milan had just defeated inter badly, i was wearing a milan t-shirt under the jumper, and - in a moment of madness - i decided to show it to the professor. i went near him during the pause and i pulled up the jumper, saying "watch this"; the problem is: the one i was wearing was the second t-shirt milan has, and that's entirely white with just a red and a black stripe on the upper part, which remained hidden.
so the professor might have thought i was showing something else :oops: and he asked me what the hell i was doing :lol:
it would have been way funnier if you had lifted both shirts at the same time

I remember another,but this one is from high school:
so we were at class and the teacher was talking to all the girls,he was the drama teacher and the girls kinda had a thing for him,and all the guys were on the other side of the room.so I was with my friends and suddenly felt I was gonna belch,so i decided to do it on a friend's face,I lean over to do it and when I belched(sp?) it was fucking loud;it sounded as if a frog got inside the classroom.
All the guys started laughing out loud and even the teacher but since only my friends knew I was the one who did it everyone wondered and then the teacher said: I bet it was Manuel the one who ate a frog this morning.
Hahaha. Somebody gave me negative rep because of my post in this thread

Hmm, being receiving negative reputation a couple of times lately, am I a bad person? :saint:
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