Mark, or a moderator maybe.

Slash Freeman

Iron Maiden obsessive
Okay, one of my friends just tried to register. the first time she did she was told her e-mail address (a hotmail one) had been banned, but she's never tried to register here before. then she tried to register again, using her alternative e-mail address, this time a one. again, she'd not tried to register before so how could her e-mail addresses have been banned? i know you are currently updating the servers and stuff, so are you not allowing anyone to register at the moment until everything is sorted out? or has my friend just been banned without even registering here? or is it some error in registration?
Well, since we're talking of registering...A friend of mine registered here (and the registration worked) then i don't know exactly what she did, maybe she pressed the "reset password" button, now she can login with her nick and her password but she can't post, can't send pms, etc..

How can she do for post,etc., or how can she unregister and then re-register?