Oh my Goth

aah just let it be and don't whine about it. i used to do a robert smith imitation with my hair when i was 16, and my parents found me cute,my brothers got nostalgic. as long your kid or whatever doesn't start going to dentists to get vampire teet i think it's all normal, even if they don't grow out of their velvet dresses after puberty.
He he he he man...this reminds me how much i hate those acneics black little thingies ( and how much of an accepted-untolerant i am sometimes hehe )
when they start discussing their tiara's or try to get me interested in their new expensive lace socks, i must say i sometimes can't surpress a giggle either.
don't think about a thongue! don't think about an acneic goth and don't think about latex!

aaaaaaagh! this goth festival is coming back to me
goodnight to ya all :yell:
LuminousAether said:
I think the girl with the Avril Lavigne picture and the Looney Tunes cover is in a dorm room, and the bed on the left is most likely hers. She can't be blamed for her roommate.

don't defend them!
