Oh noes!! I have sinned!!


Violator of Sheep
Jan 21, 2003
Seattle/Tacoma (Browns Point), WA
Ok. I don't like Cradle of Filth, or at least I didn't used to. I heard Nymphetamine (Overdose) on the Metal channel on Comcast Digital Cable and fell in love with it. Then I heard a different song off of the album and wow.....I bought the CD today. Yea yea, Cradle of Filth....I know. And yes, Dani Filth does look like a cartoon character but guys, I suggest you seriously check this album out. Cradle of Filth - Nymphetamine. Some shit even reminds me of some Dark Tranquillity on this album. Good shit.....get it!
"oh noes"...?

I think it's funny how some bands get bashed and some dont. Just like Slipknot.. sure they are posers, but a lot of bands are. Im sure a lot of people just dont admit they like or at least occasionally listen to Slipknot because they're afraid to get bashed, too.
The only CoF album I have is Midian, which is quite good IMO, and I saw the video to a song from their new album and I liked both the video and the song :)
Bsss....CoF rocks, ok, they aren't tr00, but I dont give a fuck bout what some evil-satanic-true-black metallers say bout them....WHO actually cares?
Taliesin said:
I think it's funny how some bands get bashed and some dont. Just like Slipknot.. sure they are posers, but a lot of bands are. Im sure a lot of people just dont admit they like or at least occasionally listen to Slipknot because they're afraid to get bashed, too.
The only CoF album I have is Midian, which is quite good IMO, and I saw the video to a song from their new album and I liked both the video and the song :)

Slipknot are alright, and i have new found respect since i learned their first album was loaded with solos and Ross Robinson deleted them against mick's will.
Slipknot has solos in their songs now? hah

i'm not a fan of CoF, i only like the first 2 albums minus the horrid screams, i saw them last month with arch enemy, it was an alright show
SSJ4SephirothX said:
And yes, Dani Filth does look like a cartoon character
He also SOUNDS like one, and that's what I've got a little problem with: too much high-pitched SQUEALING. I remember when Damnation &A Day was out, this German magazine dude dubbed him "evil mickeymouse". Too fucking fitting methinks...
CoF = Not my thing...
Also don't really care for slipknot... Saw them live with Slayer a couple of months ago... Slayer rocked... Slipknot did not...
I'm more into just straightforwrd Metal without weird image things... I feel the whole image cheapens the music... but if thats your thing its cool... Maybe I'll get into it someday... hopefully not... ofcourse there's always exceptions...
You'll dislike it within a month, I went through the same stage, I only liked Midian until i heard Nymph, then went out and got all the albums, then sold em a month later!
dani filth is actually pretty cool when you talk to him. i know because i have a pic with part of my head cut off to prove it. :lol: