Oh sweet Midian, I burn for thee at heart

I love Dani Filth in interviews, theres something so funny about how evil he looks and how its hilariously juxtaposed by his cute little english accent.
Long-time COF fan here, bought every one of their albums when i was a little goth lad.

Everything before Midian is golden, after that it gets a bit patchy, though i highly enjoyed Damnation And A Day. will certainly be blasting Midian all day tomorow. thanks Marcus for reminding me of this awesome album. :)

Oh... and From the Cradle to Enslave. WIN!

Vempire has to be their best album. If you've never heard it - get it... NOW!
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I've always thought it would be funny to go through a drive thru and say "Uhhh.... yeah, can I get a Dimmu Burger and a Cradle of Fries to go please"
I've been able to get into them in the past (especially after they totally butchered Iron Maiden's Hallowed Be Thy Name:erk: that really put the nail in the coffin), but this thread has inspired me to give them another chance.
I started with dusk and went along for the ride, the intro to midian is one of the greatest ever then busts into the awesome cthuluuu daawn! I remember getting it a fri the 13th or something, mind blown, then going for an obligatory teenage horror movie megamarathon. Perfect fit! I still think their peak is from the cradle to enslave, as a song and a video it just hit all the right marks of glorious b grade over the topness. The making of is funny too. A dvd to grab for sure. I hugely prefer dusk/cruelty over the modern stuff, they turned safe and solid imo. I prefer the dorky raw essex sound.

I don't think there was anyone listening to three hours of power down here at the time and didn't know malice through the looking glass personally!
I actually bought "Dusk..." all those years back when it was first released. Besides that, I've listened to a few songs here and there....nothing recent though. I agree about the music being really good, however I can't bare to listen to them nowadays because the vocals are ridiculous. (same goes for king diamond)
man this thread made me dg up all the cradle on my ipod and id now giving me the urge to grow my hair again and be scary to small children (although my little cousin did love slayer when i played them)
Midian's also my favorite album crom Cradle... matter of fact, one of my favorite albums overall.

I don't really think Cradle of Filth is 'Symphonic Black Metal'... Just more like Goth Metal (I guess?) gone a bit more agressive.
Now what about the newer albums? Actually Thornography was my first CoF album (Dirge Inferno was on a sampler in a magazine) I love "I am the Thorn"...
I wouldn't say theyre crap, certainly different, not as heavy, but very "easy" to listen to (also because of the production...)