Oh sweet Midian, I burn for thee at heart

Les Smith = Lecter

keyboardist on Vampyre, Dusk, Cruelty, I think also Cradle to Enslave

He was the best keyboardist they had by far, and actually, even though I like Midian a lot, my favorites have always been those earlier ones. Maybe cause I discovered them from the demos before the 1st one came out so it was cool to kinda "grow up" with the band
I absolutely adored Midian, and though I haven't really loved anything they've done since, they're still one of my favourite bands. Dusk and Her Embrace is a great record, and Cruelty and the Beast is one of my favourite albums of all time. If you like Cradle's heavier side, Abigail Williams are worth checking out - their "In the Shadow of a Thousand Suns" album was produced by the very awesome Chris Murphy.

I'd heard people call Cradle of Filth black metal before, and was then highly disappointed when I listened to actual black metal.
not a big fan personally, but the gf is, so i get to listen to them every once in a while :D

having that said, i personally enjoy the first half of nymphetamine (absynthe with faust and the title track are really cool!), the principle of.... and also parts of damnation and a day. dirge inferno off thornography was also decent but the rest of the album sucks. on the latest one there's also a standout track which i can't remember right now, but otherwise it's really bland imho.
they just got TOO theatralic while also getting somewhat wimped out lately....i mean cof also was about the image and stuff, but come on....go write some music that fits the image! and having that said, midian was pretty cool in that respect, so was damnation and a day. both are more heavy albums.

now, let's talk mixes!
i'll start by saying that nymphetamine sounds REALLY cool - colin richardson ftw [back then he left some of the bands personality in there, unlike with the new behemoth] - and thornography had a wicked guitar/bass combo.
midian sounds plastic to me, anything before is black metal so fuck it, and their later stuff....well, hit or miss imho. even the sneap mix on godspeed - while fitting the music better than the thornography one - doesn't flash me at all.....it's too tame and processed for this kinda style imho. that's why i really prefer nymphetamine, everything is raw yet in shape and fits the music really well!