Oh, The deep Secrets

Pikaaa pikaaaaaa.... Piiikkaaaaaaa Piiiiiikaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... PIIIIIIKAAAAAAAA PIIIIIIIIIKAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.... CHUUUUUUUUUU *poof*

^^^ enjoys putting in old re-runs of Cheers and Starsky&Hutch at her workplace instead of putting in the real movie, thus resulting in people being utterly confused... But they're too damn hammered to realize what's going on, so they gorge on Deuchars and stovies.
It took you that long to come up with that?!?! ;)

^^^ was so amazed by my pikachu sounds that her mind imploded and she could only come up with that.

Huh, Kirsty, what did you say? :lol:
Just out of curiosity, do you often just get on the floor and roll about? :p
Nah I'm joking ^_^ Heh. you're ROFL'ing :) LOL.
xx Kirsty

no i don't literally ROFL XXDD if i did it for everytime i typed ROFL, people would think i'm insane
Just out of curiosity, do you often just get on the floor and roll about? :p

xx Kirsty

hahahahaha rotfl i imagined the picture!! but don't make fun of jane people, she's a good person! and she looks cute on the fotos! she reminds me of someone, but i dunno kno who!
hahahahaha rotfl i imagined the picture!! but don't make fun of jane people, she's a good person! and she looks cute on the fotos! she reminds me of someone, but i dunno kno who!

jane people??
me, good person? thanks :Saint: and thanks again about the photos!
people often tell me i look like someone else they saw or know.