OH THE IRONY -- pro-weed folks will love this one

See, that's why I think most Brits mix with 'baccy because for a long time, the only stuff you could get was resin.

Plus mixing weed with it makes it go a long way, and British folks are generally quite cheap. And pasty.

i wish you could get other types of THC here... its just the buds. oh well, i shouldn't complain.

mixing with tobacco does go a long way, but i sort of lose the initial feeling of the high in that nicotine rush. it's not a great contrast if you ask me.
I'm either too lazy, too cheap or too something-else to bother with these things. I really should though. You got any good recipes for me as far as cooking with it?
A few friends of mine use the oil method. I think the extra time spent heating the oil should probably lead to a better extraction and higher potency than just adding ground marijuana to a recipe, but then again the preparation takes way more time.
Oil (specifically canola oil) is one of the most versatile mediums availible for the extraction of THC, as it can be used in nearly any food item. The method for extraction also consumes relatively little time compared to some others. The following method assumes 4 people will be eating the resulting items, at the ratio of 1 gram per person.

1. Add 1/2 cup of oil to a small pan
2. Apply low-medium heat (2-3 on a stove that goes to 8)
3. Sprinkle 4 grams of VERY FINELY CHOPPED marijuana into the oil after 3 minutes
4. Continue heating for 30-60 minutes, stirring frequently.
5. (optional) Strain the used plant matter from the mixture for a less pronounced weed-y taste.

The mixture is ready when the oil has turned a deep golden olive brown, and the plant matter is dark brown. Important: Do not let the oil boil, or burning will occur. The oil can then be used in any recipe that uses oil, or for use in stir-fry, etc.
A few friends of mine use the oil method. I think the extra time spent heating the oil should probably lead to a better extraction and higher potency than just adding ground marijuana to a recipe, but then again the preparation takes way more time.

Yes, this is the more difficult technique. It is honestly way better because you won't have actual plant matter in your food. Still, grinding your stuff into a powder works super well, you can't even tell it's there!
Cheers for the info, duders. My ex (Amy) and I tried some shit once extracting it with butter or something but it a) didn't work b) smelled HORRIBLE.

I'm gonna converse with her tonight about working out a healthier way to do this shit. She lives on her own so we have the freedom away from parents' prying eyes to bake up some space cakes.
telling you man, for the first batch just make a pan of brownies or a cake and throw like an ounce of ground nuggets in there. imagine how far that will go. eating it lasts like twice as long, too. once brownie in the morning and you're ususally set until the night.

warning: makes you fucking SLOPPY tired

the first time i ever ate weed was at my grandparent's house. i was going there for the weekend and would have no opportunities to smoke, so i cooked up a firecracker (the peanut butter cracker thing) with some of the better weed i could have gotten back then (4 years ago). i chomped the thing as soon as i got there and almost barfed because of the awful dry taste, so try eating it fresh out of the oven. i was a pussy back then, though. anyway.. i wait like 90 minutes and feel nothing so i climb up this terrible ladder into their loft and just lay down on the ground. sure enough, i am hit with crazy waves of marijuana goodness and i'm basically unable to do anything. i had to climb down the ladder in front of my whole family... it took me literally (seriously) like 3 minutes. my dad says, "what are you doing"? and i just say "playing it safe, dude."
here's some cooking info that you should know, btw:

weed is not water solulable, so you need to cook it in something that has oil or butter (whatever). if you're baking something out of a box and it doesn't have an oil in it, just take the ground weed and mix it with a few tablespoons of vegetable oil or melted butter/margarine.

THC vaporizes at roughly 398 degrees (F) so watch out! you don't want to cook all of the quality out of your food, but generally this is never a problem since its already IN something.

there you go.
MFJ = on the way to become a paranoid fatty with bad hair...

and those poor mice... :(

sorry chief, i've lost 120 lbs in the past year and a half.... and women fucking love my hair. :) guess i actually transformed from being a paranoid fatty...

drugs helped me lose weight because they motivated me to become more in touch with the outdoors and more in touch with my body. i strained myself to feel it on a much more personal level by hiking insane distances in search of self improvement (physical, mental, and ecopsychological). not everything you think you know about drugs is real. you might say "oh why did you need drugs to get such things", it doesn't matter, they only helped me and opened my eyes.

don't fucking knock something if you have never experienced it on a true level.
Haha, I wondered if you'd take it as some stab at your drug use. It wasn't meant to be, truly. I prefer to do that in a proper setting, not as some bad joke in a random thread.
Yup, I know, thats why Im biting my tongue (mostly). No sense in beating a dead horse and whatnot anyway. Most everyone on this forum has had a chance to express their opinions on the matter at one time or another. But I do think this is an excellent topic and in no way should be ignored simply because of the opinions of others.
I did use a funay old and dead since many years though, that has to account for something??

Really, not all scandinavians are prudes, it's just that the ones that hang around here don't like drugs of many kinds
Haha, I wondered if you'd take it as some stab at your drug use. It wasn't meant to be, truly. I prefer to do that in a proper setting, not as some bad joke in a random thread.

hahaha, i like your honesty. sorry, i'm just used to people making judgements about me based on what i like to do for recreational fun. i've had people actually tell me that my drug use will make me gain tons of weight and become retarded, so i'm also used to lashing back! i'm just a person who is extremely fasinated by the human relationship with psychoactive substances and the places that they can take us (the great places and the pathetic places, both of which i have experienced). there's so much more to learn, and it'll take so long due to the current state of things. oh well, i guess!

I did use a funay old and dead since many years though, that has to account for something??

Really, not all scandinavians are prudes, it's just that the ones that hang around here don't like drugs of many kinds

yeah dude, it's totally cool. if you feel that you don't need them for anything, i respect that with 100% seriousness. i just personally feel that i can benefit from them in different ways. still, you play with fire and you'll get burned. there's no denying that, so you must watch out for yourself and your friends. that's another reason why i am so interested in the finer details of drugs. many of the people i hang out with don't know so much about the drugs that they use (which i don't support), but if they refuse to study it themselves, i feel it is my duty to make sure they won't get hurt! i have honestly saved some lives, not to toot my own horn or anything. i just think it is one of my purposes as a "scientifically-motivated" user.