Oi Aussies


Oct 15, 2001
I'm just curious as to how many Australian's are on this board,so tell me if ya's wouldn't mind. Also, who's going to Metal for the Brain this weekend? anyone else at all?
I spose Adelaide is a trek and half for a gig, but it's definately gunna be worth it this year. Speaking of Adelaide,have Screwface13 realeased anything as good as what in:extremis were? I missed seeing em last year,i was shitty to say the least.
Well they apparently are basically just what in:extremis used to be,same members and all. In:extremis are quite far from from nu-metal, more of an industrial tinged Napalm death really. I wasn't sure so i asked, but hopefully they haven't changed to the extent your hinting.
This is my 1st post to this forum. :)

I was at Metal For The Brain... it was a fantastic day.

Those that didn't make it, make sure you prepare yourselves for next year.