oi oi, madgirl & real world in 'ere :)


+ Dripping.With.Sin +
Nov 26, 2001
{quote:Well I gotta say I'm really dissapointed. I thought 54 would have progressed a bit more in 3 years.
I admit to be one of the ones who was calling for Lakis to step back and let someone else take over on Vox and I thought give him a while he might get better. OK he has but not enough for these ears. Some of the parts on the album are REAAAALLLY bad and out of tune. Had to cover my ears at one point during the duet when the violin comes in.
On the positive side though the music itself its great. [with the exception of the death metal track] and the lyrics are great but I just cant seem to enjoy the music because the vocals arent to my tastes. Just my opinion :p}


Gosh, I say that's a super un-biased review, I'm sorry is my sarcasm showing?? damn must stop being obvious
the same should go for you two, yes two, one you being cath's boyfriend, and two being cath (since we are being patronisingly

Note to cath: you know being a Grade 1 bitch, I would of thought you would of been a bit more clever. This is low, even for you!!

how sweet did you sit together and plan it all out!! well ner ner ner (SHIT! I'm going down to your level) his and her childish bitching?
now that is a new one!!! *giggles* I bet your gonna have a temper tantrum about this -"54 made her do it" - you of all people should know, I have my own opinion, e.g.: im still a 54 fan after all the shit you said bout them to me last year, how they were shits for not letting you do the merch, how they were shitting on you, after everything you've done? you weren't doing it for free, and you offered. Did you never stop to think what have I done.

"how many times can you fuck someone over" well you should know the answer to this one, since your the one that always fucks yourself over, cos your too quick to open your mouth and talk shit! you did it with me, and you did it with 54, your a two faced bint, who should really be quiet before you land up alone!

Note to Real World: you've never been on this forum before, never bothered to state and opinion, that's what made it sooo obvious! I'm not a big fan of Blaze, but I wouldn't go on their forum and state that cos there really is no need! and I do believe you go on the Maiden board, defending your fave lead dude, so erm yeah the word... hypocrite comes to mind here!
Even if Lakis did have a bad voice (which he clearly doesn't) you wouldn't hear it on the album, as they would of tweaked it, etc, most of the pop industry and Kelly osbourne are fantastic proof of that!!

Now I'm sure there's many of you just ready to jump in and stick up for Cath, DON'T bother, your just showing how naive you are, 54 are decent people and you all know that, do you really think after all the crap they've gone through to get where they are, they would shit on their very own SELF proclaimed "number one fan"
She's just having a strop because, the one thing she tried her damned hardest to stop, has happened, and she knows what that is!

No number one fan behaves like this!!

Right I believe that's my rant over with, this has been coming for a long time, and i've kept quiet to save her face, but I don't really care anymore!

"can't you see my hate for you
grows with everything you do

oh and Real World hunny, quit giving opinions that's are based on taste, cos well yeah, if I had your g,f I wouldn't be soo quick to judge!! :)
1/the quote is real worlds

2/ why would i PM her what she already knows, this was so other ppl could see what shes really about, and clearly none of you are listening.

3/ age isnt nothing but a number, but i do believe if you check my profile, you can see under the section marked "birthdate"

and besides im not going to be arguing with you, as its not up for discussion with anyone, as its nothing but the truth!!! it was a post for her and real world to read and those who are bored surfing the forum!! :)
Hey, I dont know much about the situation, but i do know Charlie, and if shes done this, then she's done it for a reason, not to be vindictive, or a bitch for no reason. Clearly, there is meaning behind it, and she would have no reason to lie. WE may not know what the meaning or the reason is, but I'm sure there is one anyhow. I've known her for over 4 years now and never once has she lied to me or fucked me over or anything similar. I think we should all stay out of it anyhow, it should be sorted out between her and whomever is involved. I'm just stating this before everyone elses goes "oh boohoo but I wanna take bleedin sides! stop being soddin wankers!". Either way, I believe Charlie wouldn't have brought this up without good reason. I'm sure they both have reasons for doing whatever and we should just leave it at that.
It seems to me that I'm not allowed my own opinion just because I'm MG's boyfriend. Yes I heard the album with MG but we have differing opinions on it.
To suggest I posted what I did because MG told me to is both insulting and bordering on the hyper-paranoid.
FYI I have been on this forum before and made a few posts when I bought NVS and after I saw them supporting BLAZE. I made an opinion back then and I'm entitled to do so now. No I'm not a regular here but that doesnt make my opinion any less valid. Was I wrong to think the band might appreciate some constructive criticism? I didnt even slag them off! I said that musically and lyrically they were sounding good most of the time but the vocals weren't to my tastes which is fair isn't it? I'm not fond of Lemmys vocal style but that doesn't make Motorhead any less of a good band to the millions of fans that buy their albums.
If you take such offence at me having an opinion on a public forum, maybe you should keep your opinions on me and MG to yourself or post them privately. Or how about commenting on my opinion of the CD, as opposed to making personal comments against me and mg?
im not saying your not allowed your opinion, and it wasnt meant as anything personal against you, just i know her, and what a vindictive person she can be.

anyway, im not here to be involved in an argument, i made a statement, it was rhetorical, not meant to be answered!!!
RW - I can understand your opinion, and you are of course entitled to it. But, if someone came to the Blaze Forum, and said "Blaze's vocals are horribly out of tune" (as they often do on the IMBB), I'm sure there would be a lot of quick and angry responses.

Charlotte's comment, the start of THIS thread, cannot really be based on your post - that's a personal issue AFAIK.

Your post was fair enough, I guess. My point here is that you cannot really expect criticism, constructive or not, to be received well on a board dedicated to fans of the criticised.
Well....I ain't taking side's coz I don't really know any of you..but..making a personal attack on RW and MG over a forum, is kinda pathetic/childish :p

However, Real World, Lakis' vocals kick ass :hotjump: :tickled: :p

N e wayz...KEEP UP THE ENTERTAINMENT!!!!LOL :tickled: :hotjump: :tickled:

Real World said:
Was I wrong to think the band might appreciate some constructive criticism?I didn't even slag them off

Hmmm,let me see {QUOTE='Real World} Some of the parts on the album are REAAAALLLY bad and out of tune. Had to cover my ears at one point.

Not constructive,just plain stupid and was only said to stir up trouble.So before you all call others childish/pathetic or ask how old Charlotte is,look at the way it really is.Opinion is just opinion,but Real World has a problem and I know what that is,but to stop me sinking as low as him and Madgirl,I'll keep it to myself(for now at least).I suggest you all take in the ACTUAL words of why Charlotte left her message in the first place.
little miss messiah said:
Um, if it was rhetorical, why post it on a discussion board in the first place?

\Fo"rum\, n.; pl. E. Forums, L. Fora. [L.; akin to foris, foras, out of doors. See Foreign.]

1. A market place or public place in Rome, where causes were judicially tried, and orations delivered to the people.

2. A tribunal; a court; an assembly empowered to hear and decide causes.


Perhaps in this case, it was an oration?
ok put yourself, in MY shoes!!

i know all about her, and her vindictive ways, i see everyone saying how great she is, and i see her screwing 54 over, and im meant to just sit and be quiet??

im just being honest and stating what i know!!
Hang on, just let me see if I'm reading all this right.

Charlotte seems to be saying that

a. RW (Dave) only posted his review of BOTE because he is allied in some way with Cath.

b. Charlotte also suggests that RW & Cath sat down together and hatched some kind of evil plan to dumb down the album and the band because of some differences in opinion between Cath and the band.

and finally

c. Charlote suggests that Cath has tried to stop something in some way.

Well, given I know both Cath and Dave and have heard both the bands albums and heard the band live I feel that a few other things may need to be thrown into this snake pit for consideration.

So in answer to the three points I can, from my own experience offer the following;

a. Dave, like all men, has a mind of his own and is not affraid to either dissagree with or offend anyone, no matter how closely linked he may be with that person or organisation, so to intimate that he only formed his opinion based on Cath's own is not only incorrect but impossible. Men do not work like that. They are stubborn, strong willed and at time self centred and having reached the grand old age of 30 something I have yet to meet the man who will cowtow to any woman, no matter how strong willed she may be.

b. Dave is just not that kind of person. He is a very level headed individual who does not sit around in corners giggling and slagging people off, thats a girl only thing. See also a.

c. Contrary to some peoples belief Cath's life does not revolve around any band so it seems unrealistic to me that she would try to stop anything, unless of course it's stopping the world from manufacturing boy bands and bad shoes :)

Dave may have offended Charlotte with his review of the album but he is, just like any other registered individual, entitled to his opinion and to share it with others, just as it is the right of any other registered user to dissagree with and not to subscribe to that opinion.

The original reasoning behind Charlote's post seems to have been to blow off steam and put into words that she thinks that Dave would only say what he did because of his relationship with Cath, however as an infrequent visitor to this board it seems to me that in her desire to let off steam Charlotte has only shown that her post is as a direct result of some historical falling out between her and Cath.

Would you like a bandage for the gunshot wound in your foot Charlotte?. I'm a trained first aider and i suggest some indirect presure and a good dose of chill out pills :)
I would hope that RW wouldn't be stupid enough to post something that might cause trouble just because someone told him to. Regardless of who that person might be.

I'm sure RW would very much like to see more British bands putting out decent metal records, something that has become very rare in recent times.
origonally posted by a silly little goth
its not up for discussion with anyone, as its nothing but the truth!!! it was a post for her and real world to read and those who are bored surfing the forum!!

Look, if it was SOLEY for MG and RW... then PMs is what u use... the A54BB is NOT a venue for airing personal vendettas against anybody, these are NOT facts... but purely spiteful ramblings. in future.. if u dont have anything nice to say... smoke some weed till u do! :Smug:
Marshan Man said:

Look, if it was SOLEY for MG and RW... then PMs is what u use... the A54BB is NOT a venue for airing personal vendettas against anybody, these are NOT facts... but purely spiteful ramblings. in future.. if u dont have anything nice to say... smoke some weed till u do! :Smug:
note i didnt say it was soley for MG and RW!! i said " and those who are bored surfing the forum!! "

aaaaaaaaaand methinks, once you aired a rather personal based view on area 54 once upon a time in the Marshan forum!! *sigh* going on the basis of what MG says! saying they treat their fans like poo!!

ho hum!! :Smokin: