OK, for all of you creative people! Reply by 12:30!


Nov 9, 2001
So, A&E Network execs are coming here for a meeting at 1 PM today. We're supposed to have a brainstorming session with them to come up with ideas for a new hit prime time drama, to run on A&E once a week. If they like any of our ideas, they're going to let us produce the show.

This is a great chance to get a show you always wanted to see actually on the air and famous, no joke! If you have an idea post it here or IM me or email me or something and I'll pitch it to A&E for you at 1 o'clock!!!!

Do it!!!
The first season's major plot twist comes when Sonny's rival, the evil Xenucci, hijacks a shipment of clams bound for freedom and tries to sell them to a church clambake.
What about a Tales from the Crypt type show, but for menopausal women? Instead of horrible irony, each segment could be some sort of marital drama, and could be introduced by the motherly "Crypt-Weeper".
BWAHA alex, ok, but you know how in TFTC, the ending would always be some kind of horrific twist? what kinds of horrific twists could you put on these stories in your idea?

Avi - puns are the bestest.
Within the confines of A&E: I would say bring back Bill & Ted.
Have them have a discussion panel-type show (sort of like Politically Incorrect, only not as annoying) where they bring back 4 people each week from some point in history to discuss various manners of topics. Asking Hitler what he thinks should be done in Afghanistan (like we don't know what he'd say), discuss modern black metal with Louis XVI, and the pros/cons of socialist modernity with one of the guys from Quest for Fire.
